
2SÌ per Regioni e Comuni

Appointment for 19 February 2020: "2YES for Regions and Municipalities"

Civil society meets to prepare a Manifesto (basic programmatic lines) for the Regions and Municipalities in which elections will be held in spring 2020.

The Manifesto will be proposed to the candidates and will be based on 2YES: Sustainability and Innovation and Social Innovation, themes to be declined on specific regional and municipal competences.

Appointment for 19 February 2020: "2YES for Regions and Municipalities" Leggi tutto

Copernicus Open School on Viticulture 4.0 and Landscape: Asti from 23 to 25 September – ENROLLMENTS EXTENDED TO 20/IX

Al fine di favorire la penetrazione della consapevolezza e della conoscenza tra gli utenti finali degli strumenti innovativi oggetto del corso, siamo lieti di comunicare che l’organizzazione della Open School “Viticoltura 4.0 e Paesaggio delle

Copernicus Open School on Viticulture 4.0 and Landscape: Asti from 23 to 25 September – ENROLLMENTS EXTENDED TO 20/IX Leggi tutto