“Blockchain: application examples / use cases” is the webinar organized by the States General of Innovation, scheduled Thursday 10 December 2020, from 18 to 20 on the Zoom platform.
There Blockchains (“Authoritative Register of Certified Transactions Without Trusted Intermediaries”) is sort of decentralized public registry leveraging peer-to-peer technology (P2P) to validate transactions between two or more parties in a reliable, secure, verifiable and permanent way. It's a transparent and open technology which creates a form of shared 'general ledger' of digital data in the absence of a trusted central authority, created and maintained through a set of 'nodes' of a distributed ledger technology (DLT) network which prevents any form of censorship.
“This second webinar, after the first, more informative, held last November 19, aims to focus on some concrete use cases among the various possible applications of the technology – he explains Fulvio Ananasso, president of SGI -. We will talk about a global project for the participatory monitoring of air quality based on internet of things (IoT) sensors and the Algorand blockchain. Securitization for SMEs with a platform that uses eIDAS digital identities and the Algorand blockchain. And again, an innovative platform for electronic health based on advanced IoT sensors, virtual reality and blockchain. Blockchain which can also represent an important factor of economic development for the agri-food sector, for the notarization of documents with digital signature also on paper and as an enabling tool for the circular economy".
All of these topics will be covered in the webinar: here the complete program.
The webinar is free but registration is required links. Subscribers will receive a confirmation email with the information necessary to access the meeting on the Zoom platform.