2YES for Regions and Municipalities: collaborate

2SÌ per Regioni e Comuni

The meeting of February 19, 2020 “2YES for Regions and Municipalities” started a path; we are only at the beginning. Now we need your ideas!

Collaborate, subscribe to the “2Yes” mailing list.

What is a mailing list? It's a way to keep in touch and coordinate. When you send an email to the 2Sì mailing list, it automatically reaches all subscribers. If you think this will generate too many emails, don't worry: you can decide to receive emails normally in your inbox, or you can only read them online, without having them delivered to your computer or smartphone.

2SÌ per Regioni e ComuniIn addition to the general mailing list, there are eight others, one for each of the eight working tables. Here they are:

If something is not clear, you need technical help, contact Marco Calvo, via the following page: www.marcocalvo.it/online/contatti.

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