Appointment for 19 February 2020: "2YES for Regions and Municipalities"

“2YES for Regions and Municipalities”

Sustainability, Innovation & Social Innovation
Regional and municipal elections 2020

Sala della Regina, Chamber of Deputies, piazza del Parlamento 25, Rome, 19 February 2020, from 10:00 to 14:00 (entrance from 9:30).


Some summary videos of the event.

2SÌ per Regioni e ComuniCollaborate

The day of the 19th kicked off a journey. Now we need your support: collaborates with “2Yes”.

Objective of the meeting

Civil society meets to prepare a Manifesto (basic programmatic guidelines) for the Regions and Municipalities in which elections will be held in spring 2020.

The Manifesto will be proposed to the candidates and will be set to 2YES: Sustainability and Innovation and Social Innovation, issues to be declined on specific regional and municipal competences.

During the meeting in the Chamber, the first points of the manifesto will be defined, which will subsequently be published on the website to implement any amendments and collect the signatures of the candidates.

In addition to undertaking to define the issues of the Manifesto, the adherents also undertake to support the future directors who have adhered in the implementation.

Regions and Municipalities going to elections:

  • Regions
    Campania, Liguria, Marche, Puglia, Tuscany, Veneto
  • Provincial or regional capital municipalities
    Agrigento, Andria, Aosta, Arezzo, Chieti, Crotone, Enna, Fermo, Lecco, Macerata, Mantua, Matera, Nuoro, Reggio Calabria, Trani, Trento, Venice.

Guidelines and list of working tables:

They intervene

Politicians and representatives of civil society; among others Fulvio Ananasso – President SGI; Simonetta Cavalieri – Social Innovation Developers; Enrico Giovannini – Spokesperson of the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development; Flavia Marzano – Professor at Link Campus University; Paola Pisano – Minister for Technological Innovation and Digitization and others.

Join the meeting

Book your seat (via Eventbrite). The event has ended.

Note: an identification document and a jacket are mandatory for men. The Chamber of Deputies forbids the bringing of computers and cameras (tablets and smartphones are allowed).


They joined the Manifesto:

Join the Manifesto

Send us the logo of your association, institution or company to support the Manifesto 2YES: Sustainability and Innovation and Social Innovation.

Attention: to participate in the meeting, do not use this form, but see the instructions above, under the heading: Join the meeting.

[contact-form-7 id=”11094″ title=”2Yes 2020″]

(in the photo above: the Sala della Regina, Chamber of Deputies)

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