Crowddreaming goes to Europe

SGI, All Digital, CTK Rijeka, Hellenistic Open University and LIKTA – Latvian Information and Communication Technology Association met in Rome on January 31 and February 1 for the kick-off meeting of the Erasmus + KA2 project “Crowddreaming: youth co-create digital culture”.

Upscaling at European level the “Crowddreaming: young people co-create digital culture” Italian good practice is the main goal of the 2-year project. The Crowddreaming project this year reaches its fourth edition as part of the consolidated collaboration of SGI with the Digital Cultural Heritage Arts & Humanities School and its Week of Digital Cultures.

“Crowddreaming: young people co-create digital culture” is an experimental format, born from the desire to imagine how the schools that try to go beyond the logic of frontal teaching might rethink the competitive model of the contest as a motivational tool for students. Inspired by the coopetitive model of the Districts of Made in Italy and leveraging the possibilities offered by a reasonable and sustainable use of augmented reality, the Crowddreaming project has generated in its short history sufficient results to make it worthy of an immediate upscaling at European level.

During the two-year period 2019/20, 80 European schools will collaborate under the guidance of project partners to expand the experience of “Piazza Europa”, the main product of previous Italian editions. The goal is to create a real digital monument to the transcultural nature of Europe, thanks to which youth will be able to stage a simple but meaningful ceremony of mutual gratitude with people from different communities.

President Ananasso welcomes partners

The kick-off meeting, during which the President Fulvio Ananasso brought the greetings of the association to all the partners, has served to align partners on times and objectives as usual, but also to socialize some aspects of the Crowddreaming “method” , as the use of coaching circles and the creation of experiences in augmented reality.

Impossible to resist the temptation of a selfie with a digital ghost in Rome

Next step in Rijeka to validate the results of research activities, which form the core of the first months of the project.

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