The Erasmus+ project “Crowddreaming: Youth Co-Create Digital Culture (CDDC)” ended with a large international virtual event, which took place with a large following of the public during the ALL DIGITAL WEEK.
The first part of the conference was dedicated to the presentation of the results of the project conceived by States General of Innovation with the European network ALL DIGITAL and the workshop full of interesting ideas that emerged from the interventions of the invited experts, a multi-voiced dialogue that offered reflections in the field of digital cultural heritage and innovation which open up spaces for discussion and discussion with the representatives of the various stakeholders – such as NGOs, the European Commission, the European Parliament – so that collaboration between the cultural heritage and education sectors is given greater impetus and becomes more central throughout Europe.
The most awaited moment, the culmination of a long process that began in January 2019, was the official inauguration of Europe Square, the first "digital monument" dedicated to European identity and cultural heritage, entirely created by young European students with the Crowddreaming methodology, a Italian good practice in the field of valorisation of digital cultural heritage as a means for inclusive education and the promotion of European values among young people.
During the event it was possible to virtually explore the square Europe Square (click HERE for your virtual visit), created on a platform that hosts the 80 "digital scenes of Thanksgiving" to another European country, created by 80 groups of students (in total more than 1400 students) under the guidance of their teachers and coming from schools of Croatia, Greece, Latvia and Italy.
Thanks to the work done to create the "Thanksgiving scenes" that make up the digital monument Europe Square, «students understand how deeply contributions from other populations residing in Europe influence their culture and their daily lives». With the conceptual model of the Digital Monument «understand more deeply the nature of the digital dimension of reality, addressing the conceptual and practical challenges of designing a digital monument», as Stati Generali dell'Innovazione explains, these are the key ideas of the project “Crowddreaming: Youth Co-Create Digital Culture (CDDC)”.
The first visitors therefore participated in a real guided tour led by the Italian schools winners of the contest.