#sbloccagenda – The priorities for innovation to be included in the Stability Law

Stati Generali delll'Innovazione


#unblock calendar

In Rome the "Permanent Council for Innovation"

10 points to include in the Stability Law to respond to the country's digital needs
and support the next generation economy

Free up resources by stimulating the adoption of open source and reusable software, the sharing of data between public administrations, the rating of local authorities in order to multiply the most virtuous governance practices. And identify the investments useful for spreading the digital culture, promoting innovative models in healthcare, achieving the European objectives for broadband. These are the salient points of the document developed by the "Permanent consultancy of innovation” to bring the digital strategy, through the Stability Law, to the center of government action. It was discussed yesterday in Rome, in the Mercede room of the Chamber, at the presence of numerous representatives from the world of business, research and training, public administration and political forces.

The meeting, promoted by the association "States General of Innovation”, represented the moment of synthesis of a collaborative process carried out online during the last few months, which led to the drafting of a ten-point draft for savings (the first six) and priority investments in terms of innovation and strategy digital (the last four): 1) Adoption of open source software in the PA; 2) Promotion of software reuse; 3) Promotion of Knowledge sharing, exchange of good practices and skills between PAs, standardisation; 4) Support of cooperation in the field of territorial data of the PA; 5) Introduction of software "as a service", i.e. cloud, in bottom-up mode; 6) Adoption of a public governance rating model; 7) National program for digital skills and youth entrepreneurship; 8) National program for digital innovation in health; 9) Actions to support the internal market of digital geographic information; 10) Broadband.

Many implications were discussed during the Consulta, with the contribution of various representatives of the majority and of the opposition (Rosamaria Di Giorgi Pd senator, Cristina Bargero Pd deputy, Enza Bruno Bossio Pd deputy, Paolo Coppola Pd deputy, Antonio Palmieri FI deputy, also the former senator Vincenzo Vita and Alessio Beltrame, head of technical secretariat of undersecretary Giacomelli), to re-knit the threads of a process that would also unlock some highly innovative economic chains. Just think of digital geographical information, identified as one of the four categories of public data which in Italy absorb over 80% of the potential market: in a country like the Netherlands this sector is estimated at around 1.4 billion/year, equal at 0.23% of GDP, Italy has a surface area seven times larger, four times the population and a GDP that is worth about double. Or to the potential of new generation care models, also based on remote services, which would make it possible to create healthcare with less waste and more support for fragile citizens, to the opportunities for youth employment that would derive from the diffusion of the digital skills required on the new global markets and expendable also in self-employment.

In the draft of the Stability Law presented by the government - says Nello Iacono, Vice President of the General States of Innovation - there are no significant measures and investments to implement a digital strategy capable of generating innovation and stable development. We propose to Parliament to support the priorities and projects advanced by the Consulta to give a significant impetus to innovation policies, starting with digital skills and broadband, and in the next few days we will deliver the proposed amendments to the Stability Law. We must absolutely meet the European objectives for the digital agenda, which for broadband envisage that by 2020 at least 50% of the population will have to make use of an ultra-fast connection of at least 100Mps”.

The document "Stability law: freeing up resources for innovation and digital priorities” will be further enriched during the next few weeks to form the basis for the amendments of the parliamentarians who want to support its application (to collaborate, send an email to presidency@statigeneralinnovazione.it).

Here is a first summary presented yesterday: Consult_October 16, 2014

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