Rome 28 February 2013 – Palazzetto Mattei in Villa Celimontana
The time is now ripe for the society of open data, or the society in which the data it produces itself is available to everyone, without limits or barriers to their use.
L'OpenGeoData Italy Association works to stimulate a policy of openness to the geographical data of the Public Administration, which are the most requested data ever, so that everyone can use them to obtain new forms of knowledge and to create new entrepreneurial activities.
2012 was, without a shadow of a doubt, a very effervescent year on the subject. Several Regions have started with laws and concrete actions towards Open Data.
Even the Government, first with the Digital Agenda and then with the Growth Decree 2.0, which has now become law, has sanctioned the opening of Public Administration data to all.
The OpenGeoData Italia Association has had a particularly intense activity in this context, with which it has highlighted many points to share and deepen.
There First Conference of the Association, entitled "OpenGeoData Italia – Instructions for use", open to all and also shared via the Web, will be an opportunity to address these issues.Indeed, we will discuss:
- costs and benefits of Open Data,
- intelligent update of Geo Data,
- download, interoperability and data sharing services,
- data reuse,
- feedback from users and developers,
- applications in various sectors such as infomobility and smart city management.
It will be an opportunity to award awards to the most virtuous organizations and the most interesting APPs. Furthermore, the e-book “OpenGeoData Italia – instructions for use” will be announced.
There will be high-level speakers and moderators representing institutions, bodies, associations and companies. We'll have Flavia Marzano President of the States General of Innovation, Francis Tortorelli of the Digital Italy Agency, Martin Koppenhoefer by OpenStreetMap Italy, Maurizio Napolitano of Open Knowledge Foundation, Michael Barbera of Linked Open Data Italy, Sergio Faruggia. Companies such as Bentley, Planetek, Autodesk, Intergraph, Sister, Globo, e-GEOS will be present.
You're all invited. Click here to register
L'OpenGeoData Italy Association was born as a non-profit cultural association to spread the culture of geographical data and their free use, to stimulate Public Bodies with actions, proposals and projects to make their geographical data accessible and usable, to encourage their reuse.