Participation and Innovation, UNINFO and SGI sign an agreement

Stati Generali dell'Innovazione

UNINFO and the Stati Generali dell'Innovazione Association – SGI recently signed an agreement in order to strengthen the partnership in terms of innovation, facilitating participation in the technical standardization activities under the responsibility of UNINFO.

Members of the SGI Association, whose purpose is to aggregate stakeholders in terms of innovation policies in Italy, are offered the opportunity to take advantage of special conditions for enrollment in UNINFO and enjoy the same treatment also for subsequent renewals, until the agreement is in force.

In order to be able to benefit from the agreement, the interested party must demonstrate that he is actually a member of the SGI Association and undertake to fully comply with the Statute and the UNINFO Regulations, available for consultation on the website www.UNINFO.itby signing the relevant membership application.

The same rights and duties as the other members will be applied to the member of the SGI Association who enrolls in UNINFO by taking advantage of the agreement.

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