Manifesto for the transparency of NGOs and NPOs

A Manifesto for the transparency of NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations) and ONPs (Non Profit Organizations)

To adhere to the Manifesto, send an email to
Open Source, Open Data, Open Government, Open Innovation, Open Standard, Open File Format, in short, Openness declined in all its meanings (from businesses to the PA via software and data). A theme that represents for us one of the cornerstones of the vision of the future of the country and of the culture that we want to promote. To stimulate its diffusion, we believe it is important to disseminate virtuous practices of transparency throughout Italy, ensuring that the Associations and NGOs in general can be avant-garde and reference.

That's why we decided to open a wiki (to allow anyone to collaborate) to define, together, the rules of Openness in NGOs, a sort of Manifesto to get together and to propose not only to Italian NGOs and Associations but also to other Countries that want to adopt it.

We want to involve all the potential interested players and in particular all the associations or groups that operate in the Open Government field in various capacities to guarantee, through publication on their respective websites, in an appropriate area (transparency, as required by the PA Italian) the publication of some information, which, together, we will define as essential to guarantee openness.

Among these, by way of example (to be modified, enriched, integrated):

  1. Nature of association or organization
  2. In the case of a real association:

  - Statute - Budget - Composition of the board and/or other bodies
  1. Forms of financing and "open balance sheet" or publication of the balance sheet in a totally open way (5 stars)

  2. Number of associates (or adherents, if it is not formally an association);

  3. Rules and tools for open participation

  4. Initiatives carried out relating to areas of interest according to rules that encourage participation

  5. Promote what is defined in the Open Government Declaration

  6. Definition and publication on the website of a "Charter of values" or a Code of Ethics
    Associations adhering to the Manifesto (in alphabetical order)

English version

A Manifesto for the transparency of NGOs 

Open Source, Open Data, Open Government, Open Innovation, Open Standard, Open File Format, all forms of Openness (in business and in Public Administration, of software and of data) represent for us an essential aspect of the vision that we want to promote for the future of our country and culture To stimulate the diffusion of Openness we believe it is important to disseminate good practices of transparency in Italy, turning associations and NGOs into an avant-garde and a reference point. For this reason we decided to open a wiki (aiming at a wide collaboration) in order to define together the rules of Openness in NGOs and to collect them in a manifesto to be proposed not only to Italian NGOs and associations but also to other countries that wish to adopt it.

We want to involve all potential stakeholders and in particular all the associations or groups that operate in various capacities in the Open Government to ensure, through the publication in a suitable area of their websites (as required by the transparency rules do the Italian PA) the diffusion of all information which we shall come to define essential in order to ensure openness.

By way of example we mention (to be modified):

  1. Nature of the association or organization;

  2. Association statute, balance, composition of the board and / or other bodies;

  3. Forms of financing;

  4. Number of members or associates;

  5. Rules and tools for open participation;

  6. Initiatives relating to areas of interest of the association using open participation;

  7. Favor the adoption of the Open Government Declaration: ;

  8. Definition and publication on the website of “Values Chart” or “Ethical Code”.
    Associations subscribing the Manifesto (in alphabetic order):

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