Tuesday 10 February, at 2.30pm, at the Press Conference Room of the Chamber, the deputy Lorenza Bonaccorsi on behalf of the Innovation Intergroup, on the occasion of Safer Internet Day 2015, invites the web Wister of States General of Innovation to discuss with experts, researchers, teachers and stakeholders on the issues covered in the eBook "The Network and the C Factor: skills, knowledge and awareness" edited by Flavia Marzano, Sonia Montegiove and Emma Pietrafesa, with a preface by Laura Puppato and gloss by Prof. Paola Manacorda.
The Safer Internet Day is a world day organized annually by Insafe in the month of February and is dedicated to online safety, in order to promote the safe and responsible use of online and mobile telephony technologies especially among children and young people from all over the world. The slogan of this year's Safer Internet Day is: “Let's create a better Internet together“.
This second volume of the WoW Series (World of Wister) was created following various free meetings and courses held over the last year by the Wister-Sgi Network for various categories such as parents, teachers, educators, teachers, students (For more info, see It is possible to browse the website www.wister.it or download materials from the slideshare account http://www.slideshare.net/Wister_SGI/).
The first section is dedicated to the opportunities linked to the potential of using the Internet in the professional, social, economic and private fields.
The second section, dedicated to risks, tries to highlight some of the risks most present on the web to which we are subjected today, also from a gender perspective, to raise awareness of some phenomena such as cyberbullying, cyberstalking, hate speech, online harassment, emphasizing how through a conscious and intelligent use of the tools, these dangers can be stemmed.
The third and final part is aimed at presenting tools suitable for using the services, applications, software or projects already present on the Internet in the best possible way. All with the primary objective of inducing people to make use of the Internet tool with a critical approach, safe from dangers, allowing for cultural, professional and social growth.
The appointment will be broadcast live on the Chamber's web TV.
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