The digital enhancement of cultural heritage [Open Talk]

Purpose and context

The objective of this discussion space is to arrive at the drafting of the position paper which serves as the starting point for the public discussion that will be held on the occasion of the brainstorming on May 14, 2015 at the University of Siena. The meeting takes place in the context of the work for the start-up of the Digital Cultural Heritage, Arts and Humanities School and must produce useful indications for the development of its strategies. In particular, it must highlight the priorities perceived by possible beneficiaries in terms of demand for digital skills in the cultural heritage, arts and humanities sector.

Topic of discussion

Identify functional technological applications both for the conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage and in general for the themes of regeneration of the museum system

Discussion mode

For the development of the discussion, we invite you to use the comments on this page. It is not mandatory, but it is desirable, to use a profile that shows your real name and above all your own photo. It helps to get to know each other. We also invite you to try to develop and deepen existing threads before opening new ones, as far as possible. As soon as the first sharing elements emerge, they will be consolidated in the text of this page below.


Summary of discussion [ongoing]

  • What are the questions to which the digital enhancement of cultural heritage should provide the answer?
    • Can digital technologies help overcome the temporary nature of exhibitions?
    • Can digital technologies help narrate more and better in a museum?
      • Overcoming spatial constraints
      • The digital rooms
      • The centrality of storytelling
  • “Both the scholar and the user must (I emphasize “must”) be men of their own time and the current time is that of digital technologies, which support research (satellite analysis of sites, syntactic and semantic research on sources, integrated cataloguing, etc. ) and the enjoyment of the result of the research, through museum technologies that go beyond the mere "presentation", but turn to the "narration" ... and therefore to the experience ... and therefore to the metabolization ... of the results obtained." [Alessandro Caporuscio]


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