Brainstorming "Digital Cultures and Interactive Art"

A brainstorming of DiCultHer
Historical Aula Magna, Rectorate building, Via Banchi di Sotto 55
Siena, 14 May 2015, 11:00-17:30
coordinate Patrizia Marti, University of Siena and Carlo Infante, Urban Experience-General States of Innovation.

Pervasive, disruptive, performing: these are the technologies that enable new forms of expression and new ways of using cultural heritage, stimulating experimentation with the languages of the visual and performing arts, digital communication, cinema and the web.
To discuss this theme and collect design experiences, proposals and best practices, cultural sector operators, designers, experts, scholars and artists meet in Siena. The event will be organized in the form of brainstorming with contributions articulated on three main focuses:
  1. The digital enhancement of cultural heritage
  2. The design of the interactive experience
  3. The cultural initiative for social innovation and experiential tourism

Anyone interested (even those who will not be able to participate directly in the event) is invited to join the preparatory discussion on the three focuses, using the links in the previous list to access the debate areas.

The workshop encourages short interventions aimed at imagining the future of our cities of art by sharing good practices, innovative projects and visionary solutions.

The brainstorming will end with the creation of an instant report (storify) which will help define the initiative strategies for the "network" school project in Digital Cultural Heritage, Arts and Humanities (

The event is free and open to all. To participate you must send an email to the following address by 11 May specifying:

  • Name and surname
  • Affiliation
  • Contact email and possible url
  • Preference on the topic of discussion (1. The digital enhancement of cultural heritage; 2. The design of the interactive experience; 3. The cultural initiative for social innovation and experiential tourism).
  • 5-minute speech proposal (Optional)
The event is organized within the framework of the project DiCultHer.

Here is the final program for the day.

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