We hereby inform you that upon kind invitation from the US Embassy in Rome from 10:45 to 12:30 on the March 9th pv we organized a limited number meeting reserved for SGI Members with prof Sylvia Libow Martinez, co-author with Dr. Stagers of "Invent to Learn" and founder of the association Generation YES, a non-profit that promotes the use of technology among youth as a means for community growth. For further information, we invite you from Prof. Martinez's personal site.

The meeting will be opened by a speech by Prof. Martinez entitled ”Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom”. An informal discussion will follow.
To participate, it is necessary to register via the appropriate form at the bottom of this page by 12:00 on 6 March, as the names of the participants must be communicated in advance to the Embassy for understandable security reasons. There are 15 places available and registrations will be accepted in order of arrival and giving priority to Members. Given the very limited number of places, please register only if you are sure of participating and able to provide a contribution related to the topics of discussion. The meeting will be held entirely in English.
On 9 March, participants are requested to present themselves with a valid identification document at the entrance of the US Embassy in via Sallustiana, 49 by 10:30 to complete the security procedures and be accompanied to the meeting room.
Registration form
[contact-form-7 id=”9228″ title=”Meeting Martinez”]