Charter of Intent for Innovation

The text incorporated the observations and proposals of a broad discussion. The final version published on January 31st was presented at the Conference "Better late than never" on February 4th - Rome (at the CNR) ( Subsequently, a collaborative activity began for the definition of legislative proposals on the various points of the Charter[1] and which will be discussed in the third Permanent Consultation of Innovation (May 21, Rome).

Change model

Innovation, in our country, is often conceived as a limited, strictly technological area. Nothing more wrong. It is about the social and economic future of our country. It's about the quality of life for all of us.

The real revolution, the real change in innovation policies lies in radically changing the point of view with which we have to deal with them. From an area of intervention, from a specific sector of development and growth, intertwined with the world of business and public administration, a basis for a new paradigm of the Italian system, of Italian society.

The decisive issue, the expected change, does not lie so much in a more forward-looking policy on innovation, but in identifying the future to be built, in the awareness that a clear change of model is needed and not a simple improvement in the effectiveness of interventions. Better quality of life, economic and social development are objectives within Italy's reach, which has the resources to also be at the forefront of various sectors, enhancing its talents, its environmental and historical riches.

Why this Charter

As States General Association of Innovation we have undertaken various initiatives both to support the elaboration of a strategic plan for innovation and to highlight and connect the many valuable experiences that are taking place in the area, starting from the assumption that it is "from the operational sphere of those who do innovation" that a process of global participation of all stakeholders (politics, administrations, businesses, universities, research centres, the third sector, private citizens) must be launched, aimed at building a shared perspective for Italy both for an effective change in innovation policy. The provisions on the subject of the Digital Agenda approved in the legislature have represented important steps forward, but an organic strategic plan continues to be missing and various fundamental chapters (such as electronic commerce, digital literacy) are still to be significantly addressed. Much still needs to be done.

Italy's Charter of Intent for Innovation fits into this perspective, as an indication of the programmatic priorities for innovation policies on which we ask those who are candidates for the country's government to undertake to support them.

The strategic vision

The vision we are trying to achieve is that of a society that recognizes the collective interest as primary, the public system of services as a need for the community to guarantee the value of merit and talent, development and economic and social growth. The search for the improvement of the quality of life therefore passes through a choice of values, which are identified with the well-being of the community and the equality of the starting conditions.

Furthermore, the programmatic priorities for innovation policies fit perfectly with the 2020 Strategy for Europe, i.e. intelligent growth, basing economic development on knowledge and innovation, sustainable growth, i.e. promoting a more efficient economy, greener and more competitive and inclusive growth, i.e. promoting an economy that allows for a high employment rate and promotes cohesion both between people and between territories. For the realization of these priorities it is necessary to carry out actions on five specific themes such as

  1. work (reach employability in 75% of people aged 20-64)
  2. research and development (get an increase in R&D investments at 3% of GDP)
  3. environment (reduce the effect of greenhouse gases by at least 20% compared to 1990 levels, increase the share of renewable energy sources at 20% of final energy consumption and achieve a 20% improvement in energy efficiency)
  4. education (reduce dropouts below 10% and raise college-educated 30-34 year-olds to 40%)
  5. poverty (liberating at least 20 million people from the risk of poverty and exclusion)

The decision to place quality of life at the center of innovation policies leads to others, which favor some basic concepts, central to our vision of innovation:

  • sustainability, in terms of pragmatic search for solutions to avoid the intensive exploitation of non-renewable resources. Focusing on sustainability means dealing both with the creation of a development model that produces and uses renewable resources, and with reviewing the resource use model, towards sharing models. In this context, new technologies must be seen in their dual role as a tool (to support and achieve sustainability), and as a sustainable product themselves, or rather already an expression of an innovative and sustainable production and disposal model;
  • the opennessunderstood as a collaborative model of production and knowledge, which crosses both the theme of open government also declined through open data, and the creation/use of software products, and widespread planning, as the possibility of connecting ideas and proposals, projects and experiences;
  • territorial centrality, as the territory is considered as the fulcrum of innovation policies that become concrete responses to the needs of citizens and communities. In this context, the adoption of three strategies is essential: a) foster the development of smart cities, as an integrated approach tool both with respect to the different sectors (health, school, energy, environment, mobility, ...) and with respect to the different levels/subsystems (social, cultural, economic, ..); b) adopt the Open Innovation model (as defined by Henry Chesbrough), which requires companies to acquire and license innovations through exchanges with other companies, thus promoting the growth and development of SMEs, and living labs (to research and innovation activities), which allows users - represented by a group of potential users and/or consumers or by the inhabitants of an entire community or by members of a "network" - to actively collaborate in the development and testing of new products intended for them; c) stimulate the use of Cloud Computing as a technological solution that makes it possible to optimize the management costs of the services, while maintaining control of their policies at the level of the individual territories. The inspiring concept of Cloud Computing goes beyond the simple technical dimension and demonstrates the potential of a collegial approach in which the federation of skills and specializations (between different territories, bodies, institutes, groups, operators, ..) allows effective collaboration and a cooperation oriented towards a common goal, to be achieved at a lower cost and greater valorisation of existing experiences

In this vision, the development of "smart communities", as envisaged by the Digital Agenda law approved at the end of December, is remodeled with respect to a broader definition based on non-centralistic construction. As by intelligent community we mean a community that operates face-to-face and online, capable of giving rise to direct opportunities for active participation and governance to address all local issues in order to improve the quality of life. A “community” built both as a connective structure (open, aware and finalized), and as an adaptive structure, capable of generating data and knowledge and of making one's behaviors evolve. In relation to the territory, smart communities identify the ambit in which the governance capacity and the appropriate levels of administrative aggregation are carried out (municipal or municipal area, metropolitan system, vast territorial/provincial area) with respect to the issues that can be managed independently.

A strategic innovation policy proposal also starts from outlining the new Italy we want:

to. simple, thanks to the possibility of using services built according to the needs of citizens and the community
b. sustainable, thanks to the balanced development of the different components (economic development, respect for the environment, social equity, cultural differences, attention to the needs of the person); 
c. safe, also thanks to a respectful use of the new tools available, with the aim of individual, collective and environmental prevention;
d. aware, so as to build fertile ground for the development of merit and knowledge, thanks to the innovation of the educational and cultural system in all its components (training, school, communication);
And. competitive, thanks to an organic industrial policy that takes advantage of new technologies to enhance the main assets of our country (territory, climate, cultural heritage, creativity, style, artisan experience) and proposes to put the consumption of solutions at the center of the process others but the elaboration and autonomous engineering of their own technological models. 
f. inclusive, which as the maximum result of awareness builds the vital elements of a new digital democracy based on multiculturalism, integration, enhancement of differences (not least those of gender), participatory planning.

Ten o'clock + one priority

The ten programmatic priorities for innovation policies on which we ask the commitment of those who run for government of the country, and in the national legislative assemblies and (with respect to the specific competences of the Region) territorial.

  1. Define and implement a strategic plan for innovation. Without an overall plan, the measures, while positive, risk not producing real and effective changes. In the "Growth 2.0" law (Decree 179/2012 converted into Law 17 December 2012 No. 221), thanks to an amendment based on one of our proposals, it is expected that the plan will be implemented in the first months of 2013. Therefore, as one of the first acts of the new Government. But it's not just timing that matters. The quality and accuracy of the plan are fundamental, which must allow for the identification of concrete actions and measurable objectives
  2. Implement a national program for digital literacy on which to focus the education system as a whole. The development of digital skills is essential for our country, which suffers from a very serious disadvantage in this field compared to most European countries, as also highlighted by the recent PISA report. We pay for the damages in terms of economic and social development, but also of inclusion and the exercise of democratic rights. The digital literacy program will have to start from the centrality of the School, not only as an area for developing students' skills, but also as a place of connection and construction of the cultural development of the territory, highlighting the role of universities and libraries as open places of physical and virtual meeting and exchange. Furthermore, it will have to provide for the dissemination on the territory of "telecentres" and telematic squares where coworking and training, ICT assisted activities and social initiatives can meet. The involvement, in particular, of actors capable of acting as multipliers on the territory (such as neighborhood centres, voluntary associations, etc.) becomes of crucial importance in order to reach capillary contexts and citizens at greater risk of exclusion, and to create social innovation experimentation processes. The RAI service contract and mission must include the public commitment to digital literacy with dedicated programming;
  3. Placing the School at the center as a place for investment and value creation. Relaunch the role of schools, universities, continuous training and all training agencies to mark an evolution of learning models in relation to the scenarios of change, according to new educational principles such as social learning (Web platforms that the potential of social networks in the educational field).
  4. Implement Open Government in decision-making processes. To initiate Open Government practices, after the necessary (and mandatory under the aforementioned law) step of opening up Data, it is important to go beyond impromptu consultations and define systematic ways of participating in legislative processes, so that stakeholders of interest can contribute effectively. The modalities could range from the publication of the drafts of the most important government legislative initiatives, to a structured consultative process, to the opening of online platforms for the proposal of legislative ideas (widespread legislation), as recently launched in Finland;
  5. Promote e-commerce and the development of the digital culture of small and medium-sized enterprises, in terms of reorganizing their production and marketing processes, to maximize the benefits offered by new digital (and non-digital) technologies, also through the introduction of incentive mechanisms. Encourage the creation of business networks.
  6. Recognize broadband access as a universal service. The quality level and bandwidth must be defined in order to achieve the primary objective of social and economic development, and therefore also with respect to technological evolutions and situations present in EU countries, starting from a minimum level of bandwidth and having a gradual objective of guaranteeing third generation broadband to the entire population. The approach must be technologically neutral and the operators that provide this universal service must respect the principles of "net neutrality", as also reaffirmed in the European Digital Agenda.
  7. Reducing barriers to entry to the telecommunications market and Implementing the "citizens' fiber" model. Reducing barriers to entry to the telecommunications market, to stimulate participation in the fiber infrastructure market by the widest plurality of subjects, in compliance with the Community framework, including citizens associated with formulas that allow for the de facto realization the "citizens' fiber" model. The proposal is to provide that the part of the fiber of the last mile (FTTH - fiber to the home) is considered as pertaining to the buildings, allowing the creation of broadband cabling with a very low cost and with wide use of the band (not only for Internet and voice).
  8. Change the model of work, with an explicit recognition of the Knowledge Economy and consequently an adaptation of labor policies aimed at the new forms of production of cognitive value (with working methods in mobility, smart working). Consequently define the policies for the protection of precarious work, intercepting all the informal expressions of creative enterprise, to redesign a system of welfare and support for flexibility. From a more general point of view, even with mechanisms such as the minimum basic income.
  9. Develop the open innovation market, carefully using the resources that the Regions can make available to companies and taking care of the growth of their innovation capacity according to a model that enhances the Italian specificities.
  10. Networking the entire innovation chain – University, Business, Credit, Territory – to make possible an economic policy centered on innovation as the engine of growth and development of our country, also by redefining the current concept of "start-up" towards an increasingly entrepreneurial meaning , also in reference to research laboratories. Anticipate and incentivize technology transfer activities.
  11. Promote innovation policies sensitive to differences, starting from gender– Recognize and integrate women's needs, interests and skills in innovation research, projects and debates, for a pluralist and inclusive approach to differences in general; promote initiatives to bridge the gender digital divide, for the assumption of female start-ups, to increase the presence of women in ICT study programs and careers, for a better synergy between social innovation and strictly technological innovation.

Adhering candidates in political and regional elections (continuously updated) 

We are starting to receive the first applications of candidates for the general elections and regional elections who are committed to supporting the ten programmatic priorities for innovation policies (and which make up the Charter of Intents for Innovation).

Here are the first names:

  1. Laura Abba (FARE candidate Stop the decline in the Senate)
  2. Umberto Ambrosoli (candidate for President of the Lombardy Region)
  3. Salvatore Aprile (Lista Bongiorno candidate for the Lazio Region)
  4. Cristina Avenali (List Zingaretti candidate for the Lazio Region)
  5. Lucia Avigo (Lista Monti candidate in the Chamber)
  6. Emanuela Baio (Lista Monti candidate for the Senate)
  7. Davide Barillari (M5S candidate for President of the Lazio Region)
  8. Angela Barone (PD candidate in the Senate)
  9. Imma Battaglia candidate for the Zingaretti civic list for the Lazio Region)
  10. Cristina Belloni (SEL candidate in the Chamber)
  11. Lorenza Bonaccorsi (PD candidate in the Chamber)
  12. Angelo Bonelli (Civil Revolution candidate in the Chamber)
  13. Nando Bonessio (Civil Revolution candidate for the Lazio Region)
  14. Luigi Buoncristiani (Civil Revolution candidate in the Senate)
  15. Raffaele Campanile (Civil Revolution candidate in the Chamber)
  16. Tatiana Campioni (Candidate for the Zingaretti Civic List for the Lazio Region)
  17. Selena Caputo (M5S candidate for the Lazio Region)
  18. Roberto Cassinelli (PDL candidate in the Chamber, adheres to the points strictly connected to technological innovation, in any case subject to further study)
  19. Maria Chiara Carrozza (leading PD candidate in the Chamber)
  20. Mauro Cioffari (SEL candidate for the Chamber)
  21. Luigi Cobellis (UDC candidate in the Chamber)
  22. Paolo Coppola (PD candidate in the Chamber)
  23. Federica Daga (leading M5S candidate in the Chamber)
  24. Ivana Della Portella (PD candidate in the Senate)
  25. Arturo Di Corinto (SEL candidate for the Lazio Region)
  26. Andrea Di Martino (SEL candidate for the Chamber)
  27. Nicola Di Mauro (SEL candidate for the Chamber)
  28. Ferruccio Diozzi (Civil Revolution candidate in the Chamber)
  29. Michele Dotti (Civil Revolution candidate in the Chamber)
  30. Domenico Falconieri (M5S candidate in the Senate)
  31. Valeria Fedeli (PD lead candidate in the Senate)
  32. Marco Furfaro (SEL candidate for the Lazio Region)
  33. Giuliano Gasparotti (Lista Monti candidate for the Chamber, Tuscany constituency)
  34. Paolo Gentiloni (PD candidate in the Chamber)
  35. Cinzia Giachetti (Lista Monti candidate for the Chamber)
  36. Dario Ginefra (PD candidate in the Chamber)
  37. Giorgio Gori (PD candidate in the Senate)
  38. Valentina Grippo (PD candidate for the Lazio Region)
  39. Linda Lanzillotta (leading candidate for the Monti List in the Senate)
  40. Erminio Latini (candidate for the Lazio Region Civic List for Nicola Zingaretti)
  41. Beatrice Lorenzin (PDL candidate in the Chamber, adheres on some points, to be explored)
  42. Fabio Luciani (PD candidate for the Lazio Region)
  43. Marianna Madia (PD candidate in the Chamber - Lazio 1 district)
  44. Serena Malta (candidate in the civil revolution list in the Lazio regional elections 2013)
  45. Veronica Mammi (M5S candidate for the Lazio Region)
  46. Gianfranco Mascia (Civil Revolution candidate for the Lazio Region)
  47. Sonia Massobrio (Lista Monti candidate for the Senate)
  48. Davide Mattiello (PD candidate in the Chamber)
  49. Carlo Maria Medaglia (Lista Monti candidate in the Chamber)
  50. Marco Meloni (PD candidate in the Chamber)
  51. Silvana Menapace (PD candidate for the Lombardy Region)
  52. Walter Merenda (Civic List candidate for Nicola Zingaretti in the Lazio Region)
  53. Salvo Mizzi (Lista Monti candidate for the Chamber)
  54. Roberto Morassut (PD candidate in the Chamber)
  55. Federico Munerotto (M5S candidate in the Senate)
  56. Andrea Olivero (leading candidate for the Monti List in the Senate)
  57. Alessandro Onorato (UDC candidate in the Chamber)
  58. Antonio Palmieri (PDL candidate in the Chamber adheres on some points and others to be explored)
  59. Ezio Paluzzi (Civil Revolution candidate for the Lazio Region)
  60. Francesca Panzarin (Lombardy regional council candidate for Civic List with Ambrosoli)
  61. Eugenio Patané (PD candidate for the Lazio Region)
  62. Paolo Pilotto (PD candidate for the Lombardy Region)
  63. Laura Pizzotti (M5S candidate in the Senate)
  64. Laura Puppato (PD lead candidate in the Senate)
  65. Stefano Quintarelli (Lista Monti candidate for the Chamber, not on all points)
  66. Paolo Quinto (PD candidate in the Chamber)
  67. Ermete Realacci (PD candidate in the Chamber)
  68. Leonardo Ristori (Do to Stop the Decline candidate in the Chamber)
  69. Luisa Rizzitelli (Candidate for the Civic List for Ambrosoli in the Lombardy Region)
  70. Antonio Rusconi (PD candidate in the Senate)
  71. Dante Santacroce (M5S candidate for the Lazio Region)
  72. Gianluca Santilli (PD candidate for the Chamber)
  73. Rosanna Santonocito (Ambrosoli Civic List candidate for the Lombardy Region)
  74. Ivan Scalfarotto (PD candidate in the Chamber)
  75. Gea Schirò Planeta (leading candidate for Civic Choice with Monti for Italy in the Chamber)
  76. Lucia Sileo (PD candidate in the Chamber)
  77. Claudio Sperandio (M5S candidate in the Chamber)
  78. Roberto Speranza (leading PD candidate in the Chamber)
  79. Valentina Stefutti (Civil Revolution candidate in the Chamber)
  80. Irene Tinagli (leading candidate for the Monti List in the Chamber)
  81. Giuseppe Vacciano (M5S candidate for the Senate)
  82. Massimiliano Valeriani (PD candidate for the Lazio Region)
  83. Vincenzo Vita (PD candidate in the Senate)
  84. Lucia Zabatta (PD candidate in the Chamber)
  85. Nicola Zingaretti (Candidate President of the Lazio Region)

Complete list of other members (continuously updated) 

  1. AIDA, Italian Association of Advanced Documentation
  2. Vincenzo Adinolfi, president of the FRIENDS OF POLLINO Association for the protection and development of the Pollino National Park
  3. Leandro Aglieri, Cloud4Defence President and member of the AFCEA Technical-Scientific Committee
  4. Tiziana Allegra, Sole Director of MTM TECH srl
  5. Carlo Amato, Head of the project, DAP – Ministry of Justice, Rome
  6. Fulvio Ananasso, Strategic Advisor ICT/T3i (managing member of the Association of General States of Innovation)
  7. Luisa Armenia, precarious worker in the communication sector. Expert in ICT, social media, web communication.
  8. Nunzia Armento, Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Commissioner of the CRPO of the Basilicata Region
  9. Paola Bacchiddu, Journalist
  10. Christian Bartolini
  11. Marina Bellini, Author, director, video maker
  12. Alessio Beltrame, Councilor for Innovation in the Province of Prato
  13. Pietro Berrettoni, President of FIDAInform (managing member of the States General of Innovation Association)
  14. Maurizio Betelli, Vice President of the InNova Bergamo Association
  15. Annaflavia Bianchi, economics of innovation, UniFE, UniURB and SGI
  16. Ezio Bianchi, President of the non-profit association Citizens for Citizens of L'Aquila
  17. Danilo Bianco, Marketing & Sales Selex ES
  18. Gianluca Blasi, President "Let's break the mold" - Information technologies at the service of citizens and businesses.
  19. Ugo Bonelli, Economist (managing member of the General States of Innovation Association)
  20. Marcello Bonitatibus (Head of research and Euro-planning) Carsa Srl, The thinking company, Pescara
  21. Dino Bortolotto, President of Assoprovider
  22. Frieda Brioschi, President of Wikimedia Italy (directive member of the Association of the General States of Innovation)
  23. Andrea Caccia, Coordinator of the AITI Dematerialization Commission and the ANORC Board
  24. Angelantonio Cafagno, freelance ICT consultant (managing member of the General States of Innovation Association)
  25. Marco Calvo, President Liber Liber (managing member of the Association of the General States of Innovation)
  26. Sergio Capitanio, Managing Director
  27. Fabrizio Carapelotti, Ministry of Economic Development
  28. Luca Ceccarelli, President of the Innovation Association for Italy
  29. Claudio Cipollini – General Manager of Retecamere
  30. Giacomo Matera Capicciuti, Engineer
  31. Massimo Cittadini, artist, school director of New Technologies of Art, Academy of Fine Arts of Carrara
  32. Bianca Clemente, Campania Region
  33. Franco Coen Sacerdotti
  34. Bruno Conte, Non Profit Manager (managing member of the General States of Innovation Association)
  35. Silvia Costa, MEP PD
  36. Umberto Croppi, President of UnaCittà, candidate for mayor of the Municipality of Rome, civic list "Let's start from Rome"
  37. Ciro D'Aniello (managing member of the States General of Innovation Association)
  38. Margherita Da Cortà Fumei, teacher, trainer and consultant
  39. Mary Del Bianco
  40. Piero Dominici, university professor, University of Perugia
  41. Giovanna Doria, Asl Salerno
  42. Fernanda Faini, Jurist
  43. Sergio Farruggia, Consultant for Geographic Information (managing member of the Association of General States of Innovation)
  44. Cecilia Felici, Amelya The Personal Planner Srl
  45. Sergio Ferraris, Scientific Journalist, QualEnergia Managing Director and Editorial
  46. Marco Franceschini, municipal councilor in Trento for the PD
  47. Marco Fratoddi, Director of "The new ecology" (managing member of the General States of Innovation Association)
  48. Myriam Ines Giangiacomo, freelancer, president of AIF Lazio
  49. Anna Giannetti – member of the States General Innovation, consultant and entrepreneur
  50. Maria Giordano, Press office, External relations and communication Web communication manager, Ama SpA
  51. Nicola Guarino, director of the CNR (directive member of the Association of the General States of Innovation)
  52. Nello Iacono, vice president of the States General Association of Innovation
  53. Carlo Infante, President of Urban Experience (managing member of the General States of Innovation Association)
  54. Cristina Introppi, Computer Engineer
  55. IWA, International Association for Web Professionals
  56. Giorgio Jannis president of the cultural association NuoviAbitanti
  57. Nicola Landucci, Councilor for Innovation of the Province of Pisa
  58. Giuseppe Laquidara, CEO, X23 srl
  59. Andrea Latino, Founder of the GSE non-profit project (directive member of the General States of Innovation Association)
  60. Stefano Laurenti, UnaRete (managing member of the States General of Innovation Association)
  61. Eugenio Leone, President of ToscanaIn (managing member of the General States of Innovation Association)
  62. Caterina Lupo, consultant (managing member of the General States of Innovation Association)
  63. Mauro Magnani, Founder and Community Manager “DIGITAL CITIZENS. We are the ones we are waiting for”
  64. Daniela Mangini, freelance journalist and copywriter
  65. Giuliana Manica, Regional Councilor of the Piedmont PD
  66. Giovanna Marsico, director of the Cancer Contribution collaborative platform
  67. Flavia Marzano, President of the States General of Innovation Association
  68. Roberto Masiero, President of the Think Foundation! (managing member of the States General of Innovation Association)
  69. Marika Mazzi Boém, Strategist X23 srl
  70. Tiziana Miceli Sopo, Automobile Club of Italy official, Rome
  71. Silvio Mossetto, Cultural Association Musica 90
  72. Fosca Nomis, Municipal Councilor of the Turin PD
  73. Nello Onorati – President of Cilento System
  74. Gianni Orlandi, President of AURIS (managing member of the General States of Innovation Association)
  75. Lorenzo Orlando, Researcher (managing member of the States General of Innovation Association)
  76. Javier Ossandon, Former President European network ELANET, former Director of Innovation ANCITEL SpA
  77. Gaetano Palombelli, Institutional Area Manager, Personnel, Provincial Police, E-government communication information, Statistics - UPI Research Office
  78. Maurizio Patarini (municipal councilor of the Municipality of Latina delegate of the Mayor for Smart city)
  79. Fausta Pavesio, Councilor of Club TI Milano
  80. Dora Maria Penaloza, General Manager of ABCnet Consulting company for business strategies
  81. Dunia Pepe, Researcher
  82. Raffaella Perini
  83. Paolo Pilotto, PD Group of the Monza and Brianza Province
  84. Nicola Pirina, Freelancer
  85. Eugenio Minucci, operations assistant General States of Innovation
  86. Rosa Oliva, president of ASS Aps Rete per la Parità
  87. Giuseppe Pedicini, @CULT – Marketing & Communication Area
  88. Monica Pisciella, Freelancer
  89. Caterina Policaro, Teacher, educational technology trainer, blogger
  90. Daniel Pommier Vincelli, researcher – Sapienza University of Rome
  91. Renzo Provedel, Entrepreneur (managing member of the General States of Innovation Association)
  92. Morena Ragone, Jurist and States General of Innovation
  93. Paola Ribaldi, Ministry of Economic Development
  94. Marcello Ribera, representative of the logOut lab association
  95. Nicola Christian Rinaldi, Head of Research And Innovation
  96. Emanuele Rizzo, Secretary General of ASAS (Association for ICT Services, Applications and Technologies for Space)
  97. Attilio A. Romita
  98. Paolo Russo, Coordinator of the Scientific Committee of the Italy 2050 Association (managing member of the General States of Innovation Association)
  99. Fabrizio Samorè, Labor Market Observatory, CGIL Rome and Lazio
  100. Paolo Sbattella, Chartered Accountant – Freelance
  101. Erminia Sciacchitano, Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Contact Person for the Council of Europe for the General Secretariat, Head of the Research and Experimentation Unit, Cultural Heritage Enhancement DG
  102. Massimo Sernesi
  103. Giuseppe Silvi, bit & watt AGE
  104. Antonio Solinas
  105. Laura Strano
  106. Giampiera Usai, general secretary of ANCIM (National Association of Municipalities of the Smaller Islands)
  107. Giuseppe Vargiu, Company Administrator
  108. Marina Zampetti, Alessandro Cruto Foundation of Piossasco

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