#romasmartcity. The streaming and tag cloud of the tweets that will prompt the debate

One strategy for one Rome sustainable and resilient, open and transparent, participatory and collaborative, connective and creative.

These are the cardinal points of the proposal #R Rome SmartCity processed by States General of Innovation already last September and which will be discussed on Monday 13 May at 18 at the Faculty of Architecture of the Wisdom University of Rome (Valle Giulia, via A. Gramsci 53, Fiorentino room) together with experts and candidates in the upcoming elections in the capital.

Live stream on www.streamago.tv, will allow you to follow the comparison pressed by the tweets (with #romasmartcity)  which will be displayed in a dynamic and participatory tag cloud.

The meeting will be introduced by Nello Iacono, Vice President of States General of Innovation And Livio De Santoli, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture Valle Giulia, led by Charles Infante of the Executive of the States General of Innovation and punctuated by the interventions of the working group that it elaborated on a wiki the ten points of the Agenda for Rome SMART.

 Speakers will:

for the List Alfio Marchini Mayor, the candidate Maria Ioannilli , assisted by Emanuele Bevilacqua, Carlo Massarini, Sebastiano Missineo;

for the Civic List Marino Mayorcandidates: Alberto Marinelli Monica Scanu Paul Pascucci, assisted by Umberto Croppi and Lorenza Parisi;

for the Movimento5Stelle Rome list , the candidates Angelo Diario, Daniele Frongia, Luigi Plos;

for the List of the Roman Republic x Medici Mayor , the candidates: Riccardo Rifici, Fabio Alberti of Left for Rome , Felynx Zingarelli by #RomaPirata and Lorenzo Romito of Liberate Rome  .

The invited Mayor List Alemanno did not confirm participation and for the other Lists we were forced to make a selection, also because everything will take place over 90 minutes.
Below the video broadcast in streaming (with a few problems, mostly solved thanks to the friends of Architecture) e another video sequence

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