Roma Smart City project: systematizing participation

On November 23, the stage of the road map promoted by the "Roma Smart City" project dedicated to the participatory and collaborative city – hosted by Testaccio Platform, one of the main neighborhood experiences on participation

Very interesting and rich was the meeting-open talk "Giving Shape to Participation", conducted by Charles Infante (Urban Experience- SGI executive member), (who also led, at the end of the meeting, a walk-show, wayfarer brainstorming through the streets of Testaccio) thanks to the many participants and the numerous speeches, including those ofNello Iacono (Vice-President of the SGI Association), Francis Patients (Testaccio platform),   Alessandra Valastro (University of Perugia), Marco Fratoddi (New Ecology - SGI board member), Anne Maria Bianchi (cards in order), Happy Zingarelli (Pirate Party Association for digital freedoms), Michael Missikoff (CNR- SGI managing member),   Livia Press (Committee via Volta),Paolo Trevisani (Testaccio in the square), Francesco Bianchi e Lucia Martincigh (Roma Tre University professors) and their Master's students on Eco-sustainable Design, with truly remarkable works, Alessio Barollo (crowdfunding expert), Stephen Panunzi (with a speech from the Corviale Tomorrow demonstration, which was taking place in Corviale), Andrew Valeri (councillor of culture I Municipio) who presented the work carried out with Salvatore Iaconesi And Oriana Persian, Sabrina Alfonsi (President I Municipality), Paul Masini (city councilor for the development of suburbs, infrastructure and urban maintenance), Imma Battle, chairman of the Municipal Smart City Commission.

Here (in the “comments” section) some materials of the day (slides, photos, videos).

The storify of the Open Talk

The interventions highlighted how the active participation of citizens is fundamental for the development of an idea of the city concretely oriented towards improving the quality of life and how essential the "participation system", with the rewriting of the Rome participation regulation (today little applied and applicable and limited to urban transformations) and with the contribution of the three key components (citizens and businesses, universities and research, administrations-institutions). In fact, participation must be understood not only in relation to the decision-making processes and consequent monitoring but also to the development of initiatives for the territory, including the care of areas at risk and the implementation of civic crowdfunding tools. In this context, the actions taken by the First Municipality are evidence of how much participation becomes central to the government of the territory.

The meeting concluded with the shared conviction that this stage of the process in the neighborhoods and themes of the "Roma SMART" has already had an initial result of "connection", and has created the conditions for building initiatives around participation that will affect the concrete. Supporting, for example, the definition of the participation regulation under construction in the First Municipality.

The itinerary-event of the Roma Smart City project

The path-event of confrontation-action, which aims to thus support the launch of the initiatives that make it up the Agenda for “Roma SMART , was presented on September 21 during the event Festambiente – Possible Worldsand will be articulated in the Roman territory, over the course of the next few months, on more stages, touching on some of the most significant realities for the implementation of theRome SMART Agenda. Each stage (apart from the final stage, which will also deal with the strategic theme of the entire Agenda and the plan proposal), will focus on one of the four axes identified in the Agenda and will take place in the most emblematic places to move from discussion to action and to discuss ongoing experiences.

In particular, after the stage of 23 November dedicated to participatory and collaborative city, successive stages dedicated to the connective and creative city (January - to be confirmed)– hosted by Millepiani- to relaunch coworking experiences (, at the sustainable and resilient city  (March - to be confirmed), at open and transparent city, a strategy for Rome Smart City (May - to be confirmed).

The final stage will therefore also be an opportunity for discussion with the Municipality of Rome to sum up the contributions, ideas and results of the path-event towards the implementation of the SMART Agenda for Rome.

During the process, initiatives to promote contributions to the Agenda for Rome SMART will be launched (e.g. school competitions, competitions for project ideas), and an online participation platform will be activated.

The path will also be enriched over time with intermediate appointments and meetings to better focus on possible initiatives and to share, enhance and integrate ongoing experiences. All are invited to make proposals in this sense.

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