The maneuver lacks interventions on the theme of innovation

Press release

The association expresses strong concern for the absence in the maneuver approved by the Council of Ministers of significant interventions in terms of innovation.

If the objective of rapidly shoring up the financial situation is clear and appreciable, we must point out that little or nothing has been foreseen in this first provision to support, for example, the research and development activities of companies, for the development of digital infrastructures, for the modernization of public administrations and for an Italian industrial policy which, after the Industria 2015 programme, no longer had an organic strategy.

The association, which is promoting discussion tables on innovation issues between institutions, political forces, businesses, universities and research, civil society and yes charged with proposing a "package of eight actions against the digital spread", he hopes that these issues, which are decisive for ending the crisis, can be addressed in the parliamentary process for approving the maneuver and in any case have a central place in the next government measures.  

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