2YES Manifesto for Regions and Municipalities

Sustainability, Innovation
Social Innovation

On the initiative of the States General of Innovation, civil society met on 19 February 2020 (Chamber of Deputies - Sala della Regina) to prepare a Manifesto (basic programmatic guidelines) for the Regions and Municipalities in which the 2020 administrative elections will be held .

The day of February 19 kicked off a path, which continued not without difficulties, caused by the Cov-19 pandemic, however also learning useful lessons induced by this tragic experience for the community and people.

With the date for convening voters for this important consultation approaching, autumn 2020, the manifesto is being proposed to candidates presenting themselves for the new administrative cycle of Territorial and Local Authorities. If elected, they undertake to carry out interventions on the themes indicated by the Manifesto, measuring their impact and giving evidence to citizens of the actions undertaken and the results achieved.

The Manifesto is based on 2YES: Sustainability – Innovation and Social Innovation and has been divided into eight themes:

  1. Simplification and Transparency in the PA: Openness, Transparency, Simplification, Agile Work, Gender and Participatory Social Reporting, Training
  2. Integrated welfare: for subsidies for families, the elderly and the needy, gender issues (STEM training)
  3. Cultural growth, school and training: inclusion and digital literacy
  4. Infrastructure, land use, environment and sustainable mobility: fight against climate change, safeguarding biodiversity, urban reforestation, sustainable waste management and circular economy
  5. Energy and renewables: reduction of CO2 emissions, plants from renewable sources, promoting investments in innovative energy infrastructures
  6. Digital Twin for smart cities/communities: smart cities and territories together; geospatial technologies and data;
  7. Open source ethics (reuse and free software): open standards, "Free" School
  8. Private Public Partnership (PPP): training, infrastructure, sustainable and resilient growth, co-governance, digital divide, safer, resilient, sustainable, inclusive territories
Download the Manifesto 2YES

The particularity and specificity of the Manifesto is in the process through which the themes have been identified and declined in the individual points:

  • the first step was to identify needs at national, territorial and local level and represent them in order of relevance and priority for civil society;
  • the second was to verify how these needs can contribute to the achievement of the 17 Goals of the 2030 Agenda that our country signed up to in 2015; in fact, in the Manifesto, alongside each point, the number of Goals and specific Targets to which one contributes through the indicated actions was indicated (which of the 17 objectives/Goals and which of the 169 sub-objectives/Targets).

Those who will adhere to the Manifesto by bringing ideas and/or improvements to the points of this Manifesto - as well as those who are committed to defining the issues, will work to disseminate it and - where necessary - support the future administrators who have adhered in implementing it through communication using this form:

[contact-form-7 id=”12917″ title=”2Yes 2020 Manifesto”]

In this regard, with the material collected in recent months, the drafters of the 2SÌ Manifesto have elaborated a ebooks, a useful guide for adhering to the themes of the manifesto and for developing concrete proposals during the next administrative cycle.

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