Innovation Dissemination Webinar: “Integral Sustainability between Digital Twin and Blockchain Architectures”

Faced with the challenges of the UN 2030 Agenda, how can we regenerate a territory?

It is the theme of the next appointment with “Divina”, Innovation Dissemination Webinar – “Integral Sustainability between Digital Twin and Blockchain Architectures" - to be held Thursday 15 December 2022 (17 – 19), organized by States General of Innovation.

Perhaps due to the fact that the economic culture mainstream is still anchored to a business idea infra-muros, it is probably difficult to accept the idea that regeneration processes, including economic ones, go through the villages of our internal Italy.

In the past, economists, but also territorial planners, architects or urban planners, referred to the concept of socio-economic redevelopment only in relation to "solid" things, to volumes (factories, roads, buildings, squares ...), in the hypothesis that, inside a modified and perhaps competitive space in purely econometric terms, the inhabitants of those places would have become better people. Today, on the other hand, territorial redevelopment is not given except in terms of regeneration that overcomes the urban-rural dichotomy.

For the inclusive and sustainable development of a territory it is necessary, i.e., to trigger, enable, enable, Infrastructure processes of community, of reappropriation, of thickening of ties and of re-signification of places, to give frames of direction and meaning to shared scenarios of the future.

In this perspective, the civic technologies adopted in some local planning, allow, in summary:

  • L'embedding (embedding) of the metaterritory (Zanenga 2015; Battaglini 2021; 2022) as a space of relationships, where human and non-human actors interact through data and sensors and support public decisions by incorporating tacit knowledge (Polany 1966) as well as their own ability to enable, and co-create, goods common;
  • L'self-organization (autopoiesis) of theterritorial ecosystem: operators (citizens, stakeholders, administrators) can coordinate with each other to issue a "community token", as well as create individual tokens;
  • The self service of the different territorial ecosystem services who enhance and manage recognized common goods;
  • L'self-monitoring, in real time, of decisions: data relating to individual choices, which the user of wallet agree to share when registering, they are not shared with third parties and remain available to the local ecosystem. And this functionality contrasts with many co-production services that run inside proprietary systems that allocate control of the data away from citizens.

What idea of territorial development emerges, therefore, from these projects? The one of resonant co-created innovation which refers:

  • to the infrastructuring of the contextual conditions of sustainable and inclusive development processes,
  • to the enabling and circulation of knowledge, and skills, among the different actors of the local community.

L'emphasis is placed on the values recognized and shared by a community, so that they are not captured, extracted or alienated from communities and resources, but co-created within an entire socio-organizational ecosystem.

They talk about it:

ELENA BATTAGLINI – Senior Scientist | Giuseppe Di Vittorio Foundation

The Community Sustainable Resonance – Alta Sabina strategy for the Green Communities tender of the PNRR

CLAUDIO SCHIFANELLA – Associate Professor | Department of Computer Science, University of Turin

CommonsHood: blockchain-based wallet app

They discuss:

  • GUIDO BOELLA – Director of the Department of Computer Science | University of Turin
  • CLAUDIA BUGNO – Founder & Managing Director of Futuritaly
  • PAUL ZANENGA – President Diotima Society

The meeting will be moderated by SERGIO FARRUGGIA, vice president of the General States of Innovation.

The webinar (free) requires registration at links. Subscribers will receive a confirmation email with the information to access the meeting on the Zoom platform.

Elena Battaglini Ph.D. in Sociology of the environment and the territory, coordinates the research unit Territorial economy of the Giuseppe Di Vittorio Foundation. Expert in design system thinking and socio-territorial innovation processes, she is a teaching member of the Doctoral Board Architecture, City and Landscape, Department of Architecture, University of Roma Tre.
Guido Boella he is Full Professor and Vice-Rector for the promotion of relations with companies and trade associations of companies and for coordination with industrial innovation initiatives in the area. Vice President of the CIM4.0 Competence Center. Co-founder of the Italian Society for the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence.
Claudia Bugno is a Strategic advisor with experience in the public and industrial world in the areas of crisis management and business development planning (OIV MiSE Director, Central Guarantee Fund President, Organization and Development Advisor to the Minister of Economy and Finance ). University professor and founder of Futuritaly, a platform for the planning, development and implementation of interventions between the public and private sectors. Member of the Steering Committee of the Observatory for Territorial Development with the State General Accounting Office.
Claudius Schifanella, is an associate professor at the Computer Science department of the University of Turin and a member of the research group Digital Territories and Communities. His research interests include technologies blockchain and the study of civic technologies to support local communities.
Paul Zanenga is president of the Diotima Society and founder of The Transition Institute. Engineer, led transformation projects of global companies and developed the C-school, adopted by CRUI as the environment for the Third Mission of the universities. He holds the course "Complexity of knowledge and networks of innovation" at the Doctoral School of the Polytechnic of Turin e visiting lecturer in numerous universities in Italy and abroad.



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