The virtual square of sustainability for South-Eastern Piedmont

On the occasion of the third edition of the Italian Festival of Sustainable Development, promoted byItalian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS), the Virtual square of sustainability for South-Eastern Piedmont it repopulates at the University Pole Rita Levi-Montalcini, Monday 3 June 2019.

Also this year the appointment takes place simultaneously with the national event "Regions, cities and territories for sustainable development", scheduled in Genoa.

Taking a cue from the theme addressed in the Ligurian capital – the Aurban and regional gendes for sustainable development e the territorialization of the objectives of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) – the public meeting in Asti intends to continue the study of the specificities of the Internal Areas, territories that are just as strategic as the Metropolitan Areas for the harmonious and sustainable growth of the Country System.

The purpose of the initiative is to encourage interactions and promote the exchange of knowledge between stakeholders of the territory - the world of research and training, the world of production and investment, institutions, associations, professionals and citizens - and to strengthen the local collaborative network, a fundamental subject for contributing, together with theItalian Alliance for Sustainable Developmentto the achievement of sustainable development goals.


14:30  Registration of participants

14:45  Institutional greeting addresses 

           Mario Sacco, President of the University Pole Rita Levi-Montalcini

           Maurizio Rasero, Mayor of Asti 

           Renato Erminio Goria, President of the Chamber of Commerce of Asti   

15:00   THEntroduction to the works
           Francis Scalfari, Director of the University Pole Rita Levi-Montalcini

           Sergio Farruggia, Vice President of the States General of Innovation

15:15   The experience and role of Training for the dissemination of the concept of sustainability in the area

New relationship models between local actors for sustainability: the  Knowledge Interchange

Germano Paini, Head of innovation and competitiveness - University of Turin

Innovation in agriculture: the experience of Copernicus Open School

Marco Devecchi, President of the Collina Rural Development Study Center - University of Turin

Sustainable Logistics Mark: the SOSLOG initiative for businesses and consumer-actors

Renzo Provedel, Vice President of SOS LOGistica - Italian Association of Sustainable Logistics

16:15   Local initiatives and projects to adhere to sustainable development

The Regional Strategy for Sustainable Development. Knowledge axis: first results

Elena Porro, Environment, Government and Protection of the Territory Department, Strategic Planning and Green Economy Sector

Fiorenzo Ferlaino, Institute of Economic and Social Research of Piedmont, director of the Environment and Territory Area

The services of the Digital Business Point of the Chamber of Commerce of Asti

Roberta Panzeri, Secretary General

Vilma Pogliano, Head of Information and Economic Development Unit

Interventions by those present in the room

It is possible to propose an intervention, using the registration form, available on the website indicated below

17:15   Collective discussion on the topics covered in previous reports

We dedicate the last part of the afternoon to the shared choice of concrete actions to be undertaken together, to achieve sustainable development objectives linked to the territory of South-Eastern Piedmont

18:00   Conclusions   

 For organizational reasons, registration is appreciated    FACTSHEET - CLICK  HERE 

Official site of the Festival of Sustainable Development 

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