Municipality of Foligno, Centro Studi Città di Foligno, Ente Giostra della Quintana di Foligno and General States of Innovation have signed a memorandum of understanding for the realization of the activities related to the digital animation project of the Quintana carousel "Quintana 4D".
The agreement was signed on 12 December in the splendid Baroque setting of Palazzo Brunetti-Candiotti, headquarters of the Ente Giostra, by the Assessor Giovanni Patriarchi of the Municipality of Foligno, by the President of the Centro Studi Mario Margasini, by the President of the Ente Giostra Domenico Metelli and by the General Secretary of SGI Paolo Russo, by delegation of the President Fulvio Ananasso.
The signing ceremony was also an opportunity to take stock of the many positive results obtained from the "Quintana 4D" project, the most important of which is undoubtedly the "museum" laboratory of Palazzo Brunetti-Candiotti, which in little more one year old can boast of having welcomed over 1,500 Italian and foreign visitors and of having become a point of reference for the cultural activities of the Foligno schools, from the school-work alternation and the PON Cultural Heritage projects for the older ones up to the edutainment for primary school children.
Similarly, the laboratory has become a point of reference for the many young volunteers of the districts, who want to enrich the tradition of Quintana di Foligno with contributions deriving from their digital culture. From the first steps taken by co-creating promotional videos that can be activated in augmented reality from images placed on promotional totems scattered throughout the city or from the placemats of the Taverns, in recent months we have come to "infest" about twenty points of interest in the city with "digital ghosts ” geo-referenced, which tell the story of the ten districts and allow you to cross the walls of inaccessible historical places and admire the interiors from your mobile phone with spectacular 360° photos.
An experiment that has been satisfactory up to now for all the promoters, which continues and is strengthened after the signing of this agreement, by inserting Quintana 4D fully within the Urban Agenda of the city. The next three years will see the expansion of the initiative both at city and regional level, the constant production of new content and the enhancement of the digital stage in augmented reality already present both at Palazzo Brunetti-Candiotti and on the streets of Foligno. Always following the inspiration of Shakespeare's famous verse: “The whole world is a stage”.
For more information on the project, you can download the brochure with the photo-history from its beginnings to today.