New ebook SGI-WISTER: Even the Males in their small…

Anche i Maschi nel loro piccolo...
Download the ebook for free

Alessandro Gilioli in the preface writes: "Before the economic crisis, in 2008, the average hourly wage of women in Italy was 5.0 percent lower than that of men, while today the difference is 7.2". It is precisely with the consequences of the recession on gender divides that this new ebook of the WISTER-SGI Network opens, which is right between research, politics, sociology and widespread culture, including that of language. “The crisis, as often happens, in reality has above all stripped bare and emphasized historical, ancient and deep-rooted problems: for example, the decrease in welfare services has weighed more on women because it is on their shoulders that it is still burdened more the work of caring for children or the elderly, in the family. In the same way, the extreme flexibility of the labor market could only have more robust consequences for new mothers” continues Gilioli.

The publication collects a series of reflections on some gender issues told and treated through various male sensitivities and perceptions. In this case, the decision to privilege only male authors in dealing with these issues was made precisely because gender issues ARE NOT and must not be, as unfortunately often happens, the prerogative only of reflections and sensitivity to women since it is in diversity, understood as a value and not as a discriminating factor that one can grasp and deepen all-round reflections with different and positive nuances and sensitivities and necessary for the demolition of the many stereotypes and barriers that still today in 2015 characterize our society.

The ebook will be presented in Rome on 9 July 2015 at 10:00 in the Sala del Cenacolo, Complesso di Vicolo Valdina, Vicolo Valdina 3/a. In addition to the curators Flavia Marzano and Emma Pietrafresa, some authors will also intervene.

To follow and participate in the event via social media, use the hastag #ancheimaschi and @wisterwister @SGInnovazione account

The publication can be downloaded free of charge by clicking on this link: Even the boys in their small way… (PDF files).

Content index

  • Preface
    • Alexander Gilioli
  • Data
    • Marco Caresia
      The Italian situation - from the point of view of the indicators of the Global Gender Gap - in relation to female participation in economic and working life.
    • Nello Iacono
      Gender Gap Indicators in Innovation Countries Maturity Dashboard
    • Paolo Rossi
      Women in research: when will there be true parity?
  • Language
    • Arnaldo Dovigo
      Linguistic sexism. It has yet to be talked about
    • Nazzareno Prinzivalli
      Dear Mr. Bordignon
    • Attilio A. Romita
      Gender and the world around us… Ignorant reflections
  • Stories
    • Oscar Badoino
      Fearing Women's Judgment is Sexist Prejudgment
    • Matthew Troy
      Technology is female: an interview with some female figures who work at Microsoft
    • Victor Zanon
      My nigerian sisters. Street women met in the office
  • Proposals
    • Joseph Civati
      Illustrate the proposed law with your signature
    • Antonio Gammarota and Cesare Maioli
      Legal-IT profiles of cyberstalking
    • Robert Marsicano
      Women, an excellent investment
    • Fabrizio Samoré
      Dignity throughout life. Welfare that comes from women

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