Large-scale disinformation – Agenda 2030: a learning scenario

Good training practices on the subject of digital skills and the 2030 Agenda

Stati Generali dell'Innovazione promotes the dissemination of good training practices on the subject of digital skills e Agenda 2030.

The learning scenario Can I Trust You? (LS-IT-231) was drawn up and tested by Prof. Sandra Troia, member of theTerritorial Training Team of Puglia and member of SGI, within the project Teaching with Europeana promoted byEuropean Schoolnet (the network of 34 European ministries of education that is responsible for disseminating innovation interventions in teaching and learning in its
main stakeholders: ministries of education, schools, teachers, researchers and industrial partners).

I can trust?

The learning scenario focuses on media literacy and is linked to transversal discipline of civic education. The teacher helps students (12-13 years) to reflect on the importance of processing information critically using reliable data and sources.

L'exposure of citizens to false information on a large scale it is an important challenge that sees Europe engaged in numerous educational actions. In fact, the spread of fake news in Europe is considered a serious threat to European democratic systems and values.

At the center of the didactic experience are the knowledge and verification of data and information regarding the phenomenon of human migration. Students are guided to verify their perceptions of the migratory phenomenon (acquired through exposure to the media) and to deepen their knowledge of the migrant as a human being, a bearer of experiences and culture.

The learning scenario “Can I trust you?” it has been translated into 6 languages and distributed in all European Ministries of Education by European Schoolnet.

The Learning Experience, in line with European models DigComp And LifeComp, connects togoal 16 of the 2030 Agenda.

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