Digital skills, 2030 goal. Valentini: "Transformation phase, we must anticipate the needs of the future"

Digital, innovation, PNRR and development prospects in Italy and in the European Union. These are the themes at the center of the magazine's interview Eunews to Altheo Valentini, treasurer of the States General of Innovation and new president of the Board of Directors of All Digital.

Brussels – Looking to the future, to shape the present. The public debate in Italy on the digital prospects of the European Union and the twenty-seven Member States is becoming increasingly intense, at a time when reflection on the objectives of the Digital Compass 2030 intersects with the analysis of the expenditure items of the national recovery and resilience. Among the protagonists of this key moment for the digital transition there is also Altheo Valentini, the new president-elect of the Board of Directors of All Digital, a pan-European association that represents networks and digital competence centres.

The observation point of the treasurer of the States General of Innovation (network of associations, companies and private citizens) offers an unprecedented overview on the issue of digital skills of European citizens. “The first thing to consider is that we need to anticipate the needs of the future“, from the moment in which “the skills required are not the same as just two years ago and they will certainly be different again in another two years”.

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