Call for the selection of teachers for the Crowddreaming project

The Erasmus+ KA3 project Crowddreaming: Youth Co-create Digital Culture, of which SGI is a partner, has issued a call to select 20 high school or middle school teachers interested in benefiting from the planned training activities and participating in the first "European" edition of the competition by 26 April. The call is available in English on the project website, but we report it fully translated into Italian on our website, below.

What is Crowddreaming?

Crowddreaming is a project Erasmus+, approved in 2018 under the KA3 annual call on Social Inclusion and Common Values: Contribution in the Field of Education and Training.

The aim of the project is to disseminate and expand at European level a good practice in the field of enhancement of digital cultural heritage as a means for inclusive education and for the promotion of European values among young people.

The good practice identified is "Crowddreaming: young people co-create digital culture", born as a competition for schools and promoted by the Italian association Stati Generali dell'Innovazione, whose objective is create a lasting digital monument dedicated to Europe as a transcultural laboratory.

Crowddreaming involves 5 partners from 5 European countries. The pilot action will be implemented in 4 countries (Latvia, Croatia, Greece and Italy) and will directly concern secondary school teachers (20 in each country) and students (400 in each country).

Become a Crowddreamer!

If you wish to participate in the project, please fill in this online application form and tell us what is your interest in improving your skills in the field of digital valorisation of cultural heritage, multicultural education and social inclusion.

In Italy we will select 20 teachers of middle and high schools. Selected teachers will take part in the following activities:

  • co-design of a training course on Digital Cultural Heritage, participating in two coaching circles in the May 2019 and informing us about the most pertinent skills they need to develop to involve their students in project activities aimed at developing digital projects for the enhancement of their local heritage;
  • mixed training course to learn how to implement the Crowddreaming methodology, consisting of:
    • 35 hours of MOOCs interactive, carried out between January and March 2020, where you will have the opportunity to meet other national and international colleagues, learning to digitally enhance the value of local, regional and national cultural heritage as a means of promoting European identity, common values, dialogue between cultures and understanding.
    • Face-to-face workshops with students led by expert Crowddreamers, to be implemented between April and June 2020, for the collaborative production of digital projects on the enhancement of local cultural heritage.

All the projects carried out will be publicly presented and promoted through the digital platform Europe Square, And geolocated in all locations represented by the participating teachers, to be shared with the local community through simple techniques Augmented reality. 

Don't miss the opportunity to join the Crowddreamers community together with your students… register today and help us dream of a better world for our young people!

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