Author name: Peter Dominici

University professor and researcher, he teaches Public Communication and Intelligence Activities at the University of Perugia. Professional trainer, he is Visiting Professor at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid and has held lectures and conferences in numerous national and international universities. Scientific Director of the Complexity Education Project and Director (Scientific Listening) at the Global Listening Centre. He is a member of the MIUR Register of Auditors and of the WCSA (World Complexity Science Academy), and is a member of national and international scientific committees. He has been dealing with complexity and systems theory for twenty years with particular reference to complex organizations and issues concerning education, innovation, citizenship, democracy, public ethics. He is the author of numerous scientific publications, including: Per un etica dei new-media (1998); Communication in the hypercomplex society (2011); Inside the Interconnected Society: Ethical Perspectives for a New Ecosystem (2014); Communication and social production of knowledge. A new contract for the Society of Individuals (2015); The Post-Humanist Utopia and the Search for a New Humanism for the Hypercomplex Society (2016); For an Inclusive Innovation. Healing the fracture between the human and the technological (2017).

The "factor" Education, the cultural question and the illusions* of hyper-technological civilization (1995)

#CitaregliAutori Come sempre, senza “tempi di lettura”.   Un testo che riprende e sviluppa “vecchi” percorsi personali di ricerca (fin dal 1995). Al termine del contributo, è presente un epilogo che argomenta diversi punti di […]

The "factor" Education, the cultural question and the illusions* of hyper-technological civilization (1995) Leggi tutto

The asymmetric society** and the centrality of the "cultural question": resistance to change and the "levers" to trigger it

Condivido questo contributo pubblicato tempo fa (2015, Il Sole 24 Ore). Un testo che riprende e sviluppa “vecchi” percorsi personali di ricerca (fin dal 1995). #CitaregliAutori Come sempre…non sono previsti “tempi di lettura” “Non ci

The asymmetric society** and the centrality of the "cultural question": resistance to change and the "levers" to trigger it Leggi tutto

School and education: fundamental pre-requisites for a mature, active and "non-other-directed" citizenship

Condivido volentieri anche con la Comunità di SGI, oltre che con tutte le Persone interessate Percorsi di ricerca dal’95                                   #CitaregliAutori Come sempre…non sono previsti “tempi di lettura” Non ci potrà essere alcuna cittadinanza digitale

School and education: fundamental pre-requisites for a mature, active and "non-other-directed" citizenship Leggi tutto

Communication is organization (cit.). Technological "factor" and legal factor are not enough #CitaregliAutori

Condivido volentieri con la Comunità di SGI (e con tutte le Persone interessate) questo contributo precedentemente pubblicato su Nòva24, Il Sole24Ore (aprile,2015)   #CitaregliAutori   La Rete, pur con tutte le criticità, in termini di accesso e utilizzi,

Communication is organization (cit.). Technological "factor" and legal factor are not enough #CitaregliAutori Leggi tutto