The first amendments proposed by SGI on the reform of the PA were approved in the House

Voting began on 18 June in the Constitutional Affairs Commission of the Chamber on the amendments presented for the enabling law on the reform of the PAon article 1.

In the previous weeks we sent to parliamentarians of all political forces the proposed amendments elaborated by experts and organizations on the basis of working groups and online consultations promoted by the Associazione Stati Generali dell'Innovazione with the collaboration of IWA-Italy.

Many of these proposals have been shared and presented as amendments by parliamentarians from several political forces (as far as we know, in alphabetical order, by Alternativa Libera, Forza Italia, Movimento CinqueStelle, Democratic Party). A very important signal.

On article 1, together with several very important amendments that we share, we underline the approval of the first amendments linked to our proposals:


  1. Explicit and structural introduction of the concept of collaboration between administrations (“In paragraph 1, letter g), after the words: coordination tools add the following: and collaboration."): identical amendments approved 1.8. Palmieri, 1.67. De Lorenzis, Nuti, Cecconi, Cozzolino, Dadone, D'Ambrosio, Dieni, Toninelli, Lombardi, Nesci, Ciprini, 1.115. Bruno Bossio, Lettuce, Lauricella, 1. 104. Bass, Bargero;
  2. The CAD as a text of general principles (“In paragraph 1, replace the letter the), with the following: i) simplify the methods for adopting the technical rules and ensure the technological neutrality of the provisions of the CAD, at the same time simplifying the CAD so that it contains only principles of a general nature"): approved amendment 1.82 Nuti, Cecconi, Cozzolino, Dadone, D'Ambrosio , Dieni, Toninelli, Lombardi, Ciprini, Nesci;
  3. Efficiency is instrumentally necessary, not the end, and the objectives are always the quality of services and the Open Government approach (“In paragraph 1, letter L), replace the words by:aimed at greater efficiency to the end of the letter with the following: aimed at the creation of a digital and open administration, of easily usable and quality services, through greater efficiency and economy"): identical amendments approved 1.10 Palmieri, 1. 117. Bruno Bossio, Lettuce, Lauricella, 1. 106. bass, barger, 1.80. Mucci).
  4. Reaffirm the importance of regulatory consistency in the European context and the prevalence of the CAD over other standards (with a safeguard of consistency on the present and the future) (“In paragraph 1, letter m) prefix the words: adapt the text of the provisions in force to the provisions adopted at European level, in order to ensure their consistency e.  Consequently, after the words: the regulatory language add the following:, expanding the subjective sphere in order to realize the prevalence of the legislation on digital administration with respect to sectoral regulations and guaranteeing its wider application;") : identical amendments approved  1. 11. Palmieri, 1.81.  Mucci, 1. 118. Bruno Bossio, Lettuce, Lauricella, 1. 107. Bass, Bergero.
  5. Compliance with eIDAS (“In paragraph 1, after the letter m) add the following: m-bis) adapt the legal system to the European regulation on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions;."): amendment approved 1.96. Coppola, Ferrari.



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