We report the article “Digital agriculture, this is the necessary training” on AgendaDigitale.eu, which underlines the enormous development potential in the sector and how, despite only 2% of the Italian agricultural area using robots and sensors for precision agriculture, our country (Umbria Region, in this case) is at the forefront of 'smart' entrepreneurial training in digital agriculture.
In this regard, an important initiative for entrepreneurial training on digital agriculture is represented by the European Project SEED (Smart Entrepreneurial Education and training in Digital farming), presented by AEGINA and coordinated by UmbraFlor, recently launched (October 29-30) for develop skills in agriculture through digital transformation.
The SEED Project foresees 7 partner of absolute importance in the European agri-food scene:
- UmbraFlor (Umbra Regional Nursery Company)
- Navarre Industry Association (Spain)
- AEGINA – European Grants International Academy (Foligno)
- EuroGeo (Belgium)
- A. Ciuffelli Institute of Higher Agricultural Education (Todi)
- Nitra Agricultural University (Slovakia)
- Ghent University (Belgium)
supported by 13 partner associates (including States General of Innovation).
The SEED project and other similar investigations in progress, in collaboration with researchers and experts of the specific "vertical", represent as many building blocks of an initiative under consideration States General of Innovation for the provision of digital services via intelligent platforms in cloud for "green & sustainable development" applications, given the SGI skills capable of overseeing both the organizational processes and the technologies functional to the deployment of such an initiative of inclusion / social innovation and global scope - to which anyone interested / or is invited / or to contribute.