AAA STEAM best practices wanted

If you are reading this note, it is likely that you are interested in promoting the adoption of STEAM education policies in educational institutions like us. SGI is part of the project partnership STEAMonEdu and we need your help to collect good practices and more.

Why should I help you?

STEAMonEdu is a European project funded by the Erasmus+ KA3 programme, promoted by partners from Greece, Germany, Italy, Romania and Spain to create tools that facilitate the development and adoption of STEAM educational policies and to improve educators' ability to apply them. STEAMonEdu it was included in the Digital Republic project of the Ministry of Innovation.

In the 2 year project duration, just started in January 2020, we plan to develop:

  • A STE(A)M competency framework together with the DigComp framework for Edu;
  • A STE(A)M educator profile, according to the rules of the ESCO framework;
  • A MOOC based on the STE(A)M educator profile;
  • A repository of STE(A)M methodologies, open educational resources, activities and practices;
  • A STE(A)M readiness self-assessment tool for educational organisations.

To create all of this we strongly believe in using a bottom-up approach, where all members of the educational community (teachers and trainers, education authorities, researchers, policy makers, career advisers, content producers, etc.) play a central role in collaborative design and in the implementation of policies.

That's why we need you.

Ok, I like it. How can i help you?

Please register on the project website and to join our community. You can help us by sharing ideas, telling your experiences, commenting on documents, participating in discussions, reporting interesting articles, events and websites. However, the most valuable contribution you can make to us at this early stage is to help us populate our repository of good (and not so good) practices of introducing STE(A)M policies in educational institutions. They will be invaluable to our collaborative design work. To do this, you will need to fill out an online form on our website. It won't take long, once the required data is collected. For more information, contact us for Italy at segreteria.generale at

We look forward to working with you!

– SGI and the entire STEAMonEdu project team

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