Saturday 22 March in Umbria in Todi, at the Town Halls in Piazza del Popolo, States General of Innovation with the Wister Network, together with the Municipality of Todi and with the collaboration of other institutions and associations, organize the fourth learning meeting on
“Social media, kids and cyber bullying”.
The event is free with mandatory registration.
Two hashtags to follow the event: #d2dto of #wister.
The learning meeting, which will be held in Hall of the Municipal Council of Todi, sees the participation of eleven experts. The phenomenon of harassment on the Net will be treated under the point of view legal, social, psychological, environmental and technological highlighting, in the second part of the day, also qWhat a positive thing the Internet offers to kids.
The initiative is aimed at parents and teacheri.e. wants to analyze the problem of cyber bullying which, according to the latest Ipsos report for Save The Children, represents, for 69% of the interviewees, the main threat in the life of adolescents and pre-adolescents.
The learning meeting intends to offer food for thought on the opportunities and risks of social media to those who have the duty to accompany the so-called digital natives, who spend more and more time on the Internet. Suffice it to say that the 23% of the under 18s in Italy spends between 5 and over 10 hours on the Internet (+4% compared to 2013), that the 8% is connected 24 hours a day and that the 44% does not need a fixed location but it connects from mobile devices such as smartphones, owned by the under 18's 85%. All, very often, without adult supervision and awareness of the tools used.
“WISTER Learning Meetings #D2D – he claims Flavia Marzano, President of the States General of Innovation and founder of the Wister Network – are multiplying throughout the country. The stage in Todi sees speeches on thorny and technical topics which will be treated to get everyone, with extreme clarity and simplicity, the message that technologies are a means that everyone can and must afford to use as long as they have the right awareness . The web is a great opportunity for work, communication and sharing: WISTER operate so that no one is excluded”.
We will talk about this and much more Todi on March 22nd.
Here the detailed plan and the event poster in pdf format.