The States General of Innovation (SGI) were born on the initiative of some associations, movements, companies and citizens convinced that the best growth opportunities for our country are offered by the creativity of young people, by the recognition of merit, by the elimination of digital divides, from the renewal of the state through open government.
The network was born as part of SGI's initiatives WISTER (Women for Intelligent and Smart TERritories), a network of almost 500 women which aims to inform, propose, report news and events related to gender issues, with particular regard to new technologies.
As defined in SGI's Innovation Intent Charter, the WISTER network intends “promote innovation policies sensitive to differences, starting from gender. Recognize and integrate the needs, interests and skills of women in research, projects and debates on innovation, promote initiatives to bridge the gender digital divide, to support female start-ups, to increase the presence of women in study paths and ICT careers, for a better synergy between social innovation and strictly technological innovation".
The States General of Innovation promote, through the WISTER network, the creation of an online hub hosted on its own website, with two basic sections:
a census of all the realities operating in the area “Empowerment of women in the STEM area” (institutions, companies, associations, individuals, universities, etc.) – which will work through a Call for participation which aspires to to connect all the actors involved in the process of improving awareness of women in science and technology;
an organic collection of research, studies, publications, materials and contributions on the subject “Empowerment of women in the STEM area” with particular focus on the opportunities offered to girls by the STEM world (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) in order to have qualitative and quantitative study materials that can facilitate the development of an individual awareness free from stereotypes.
The objective of this project, in a rather fragmented national information and operational panorama, is to create an authoritative point of reference on the subject “Empowerment of women in the STEM area”, which is a meeting point between supply and demand, makes it possible for participatory and collaborative discussions on the topic, contributes to the development and strengthening of the skills of self-awareness and mutual support of young women not only in the month of STEM but in a forward-looking and constant way in the time.