The States General of Innovation (SGI) were born on the initiative of some associations, movements, companies and citizens convinced that the best growth opportunities for our country are offered by the creativity of young people, by the recognition of merit, by the elimination of digital divides, from the renewal of the state through open government.
The network was born as part of SGI's initiatives WISTER (Women for Intelligent and Smart Territories), a network of almost 500 women which has the objective of informing, proposing, signaling news and events relating to gender issues, with particular regard to new technologies.
As defined in SGI's Innovation Intent Charter, the WISTER network intends “promote innovation policies sensitive to differences, starting from gender. Recognize and integrate the needs, interests and skills of women in research, projects and debates on innovation, promote initiatives to bridge the gender digital divide, to support female start-ups, to increase the presence of women in study paths and ICT careers, for a better synergy between social innovation and strictly technological innovation".
The States General of Innovation promote, through the WISTER network, the creation of a conference and an ebook that can be points of departure and reference for girls in the ambit of the "STEM Month".
The conference Women Empowerment in STEM (WE_STEM) aims to address the issue of the greater presence of women in the field of scientific subjects
The WE_STEM conference offers a moment of discussion and exchange of experiences, projects and good practices to bring girls closer to STEM.
The objective of the conference is also to identify possible narrative paths that will flow into an ebook to try to tell the ways to overcome the barrier that hinders the entry of girls into the academic and professional world in the STEM field, the causes of which can also be identified in the numerous stereotypes and social prejudices that negatively influence the perception of individual growth potential in science and technology.
The eBook Yes We_STEM – published in the series WoW (World of Wister) – will be offered free of charge and presented in schools to help overcome the stereotypes that often condition girls' educational and professional choices. The eBook will contain a collection of contributions on the topic of opportunities offered to girls by the world of STEM both from a cultural and professional point of view; in fact, the contributions can be both informative (data, studies, reports, ...) and narrative (experiences, stories, stories, good practices ...).
The aim of the eBook is to provide data and information, stimulate curiosity, raise awareness and support girls in choosing educational activities, as well as to give them the opportunity to evaluate, on concrete elements, the opportunities that scientific studies offer in Italy and in the world, also favoring an easier entry into the world of work.
Program of the conference Women Empowerment in STEM (WE_STEM) – Rome, 8 March
In addition to female deputies, scientists, technologists, researchers and entrepreneurs, numerous subjects involved in the process of increasing awareness among women in the STEM field will also be present at the discussion table.
The conference is part of the initiatives promoted by the Ministry of Education, University and Research on the occasion of the "STEM Month - Female students want to count!" (March 8 – April 8, 2016) as described on
WE_STEM Conference > Women Empowerment in STEM
Rome, Tuesday 8 March 2016 – h. 13.30 – 18.00
European Parliament, Spazio Europa conference room – Via IV Novembre, 149 Rome
13.30-14.00 Networking
14.00 – 14.15 Opening and introduction to the proceedings – Chairwoman
Ewelina Jelenkowska-Lucà, Sector Head of the Representation in Italy of the European Commission
14.15 – 14.30 The funding opportunities of the European Union
Gianna Li Calzi, representation in Italy of the European Commission
14.30 – 14.45 The evolution of women in the European Union
An overview that reveals the inescapable full and synergistic role for an existence in a complex society in the typicality of the female gender
prof. Franco Fatigati, professor of geopolitics at the Sapienza University of Rome
14.45 – 15.00 Why we are better than me
States General of Innovation and the WISTER network. Who we are, why we are here, how we want to continue, collaborations for 2016
Flavia Marzano – President of the General States of Innovation – WISTER
15.00 – 16.30 Experiences and projects
Luciana D'Ambrosio Marri coordinates
work sociologist and Diversity Management expert
Add an A to STEM to counter gender stereotypes (STEAM)
Can adding the A of Arte to STEM help break down prejudices? Design thinking approach to engaging learning
Agnese Addone, Francesca Meloro, Sonia China – Champion Coderdojo Rome, Champion Coderdojo Salerno and CEO of TinkiDoo
IT will be her
Communicate study and work paths in ICT to girls. The computer science project will be you of the Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Maria Sangiuliano – Ca' Foscari
Sciences at school? A child's game!
Little girls who play at being scientists and hold exciting science lessons? At @icdallachiesa, we're trying!
Stefania Bassi – Teacher and Digital Animator of the “CA Dalla Chiesa di Roma” Institute
Nuvola Rosa's experience to support the Girls in STEM theme: an Italian initiative that has become European
#nuvolarosa, STEM to love. A path to bring girls closer to technical-scientific disciplines beyond stereotypes and prejudices
Paola Andreozzi – Microsoft
Project "Digital Girls"
Digital Girls and Women events to break down the digital gender gap, the results and satisfactions obtained after 3 years.
Barbara Vecchi
Gender differences and barriers in Digital DIY
Digital do-it-yourself can change society, but what space does it have for women? Some data and an invitation from the DiDIY project (
Marco Fioretti – Board Member of Free Knowledge Institute and member of the DiDIY project
The Importance of Women in Innovation (Project NERD?)
NERD project? We teach high school girls that computer science is creative, interdisciplinary, social: It's Women's Stuff!
Paola Velardi
The digital world needs to turn pink! NERD proves that digital is for women – Sapienza University and IBM for
Floriana Filomena Ferrara
The MakHer Movement and the advance of women in the techno-scientific professions
Make Her! The MakHer Movement exploits female resources from the large school pipeline towards technological professions.
Fiorella Operto – School of Robotics
Factor D in STEM: Women, Data and Social Media
Women in STEM: starting from the analysis of international data, some evaluations to understand how to best use Social Media
Emma Pietrafesa – States General of Innovation – WISTER
16.30-17.45 Debate
17.45-18.00 Conclusions
Coordinated by Flavia Marzano
President of the General States of Innovation, creator of the WISTER Network
Admission to the "WE_STEM" conference is free but booking is recommended here: