Wi-Fi: a new fee, and a new register

"The Ministry of Economic Development has prepared a regulation that adds a new professional order not required at the Community level, which obliges anyone to have recourse to a registered installer to build a system with more than 24 access points". Dino Bortolotto, president of Assoprovider explains it.

Not even those who already have an implant are saved. We all have to provide documentation on how we built our system (if it has 24 or more access points), and we have to pay for the certification of a technician registered in this new professional register.

More bureaucracy (millions of certifications that will further aggravate the already tangled forest in which Italian companies have to move), other costs, other disincentives to invest in technology and modernization, other obstacles to competitiveness and liberalization.

If a hooligan breaks glass, he is fined, and if he repeats his offense he goes to jail. Why are the bureaucrats who invent these vandalistic rules and perfectly useless shouldn't they be punished?

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