Announcement for admission published Master PARS, first level, at the Department of Civil Engineering and Computer Engineering of theUniversity of Rome "Tor Vergata".
The aim of the course is to teach, to engineering graduates but not only, the "Design, application, regulation of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS)": the acronym indicates a set of elements which, in addition to the drone, includes radio, pilot , the ground station and everything needed for the operation.
The University Master "aims to train a new class of specialists who, while moving from their own disciplinary and sectoral training environment, are able to design processes and knowledge systems based on SAPR suitable to correspond to the reference operational processes".
The course of study, directed by our Partner Professor Fabio Del Frate, is made in agreement with GEO-K srl, Aerovision srl, Aerialclick srl, ENAC, Aeronautica Militare and Telespazio SpA.
Here is the link to the announcement:
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