As States General Association of Innovation we have undertaken several initiatives both to support the development of a strategic plan for innovation both to highlight and connect the many valuable experiences that are taking place in the area, starting from the assumption that it is "from the operational sphere of those who innovate" that a process of global participation of all stakeholders must be started ( politics, administrations, businesses, universities, research centres, the third sector, private citizens), aimed at building a shared perspective for Italy and for an effective change in innovation policy.
The provisions on the subject of the Digital Agenda approved in the legislature have represented important steps forward, but an organic strategic plan continues to be missing and various fundamental chapters (such as electronic commerce, digital literacy) are still to be significantly addressed. Much still needs to be done.
So we thought of promoting one Italy's Charter of Intent for Innovation, such as the indication of the programmatic priorities for the innovation policies on which the commitment of those who are candidates for the government of the country is requested.
We ask everyone (citizens, organisations) to collaborate to improve the Charter of Intent on the wiki that we have prepared, in view of the Conference that will take place in Rome on February 4th (mark this date in your diary) and during which we will ask the candidates from the various political forces to sign the Charter and undertake to implement it.