The second volume of "The network and the C factor: Culture, Complexity and Collaboration" is now available, edited by our partners Emma Pietrafesa, Flavia Marzano and Tiziana Medici. You can get it by paying for it with a simple tweet.
We present it through the words of Stefano Epifani, extracted from his preface:
“These are the three elements that define what for the authors of this text is the "C Factor" of the Net. Yes, the Net: the one with a capital letter. The one made up of people. Of human beings who - thanks to the network with the tiny letter, the one made up of infrastructures - come into contact with each other, relate, communicate, build, grow, work, love, sometimes suffer. In short, they live. This book essentially talks about this: how that network made up of cables, devices, iron and bits has contributed and is contributing to change in a decisive and unstoppable way that network which is none other than our society. A connected, indeed hyper-connected society, in which technological tools are causing a substantial change not only in the way people communicate, but in the way they relate and perceive reality. It is ultimately changing the way people think. A description that the authors start from the awareness that the technological and social revolution underway brings with it all the elements to build a positive future, but that without the three elements of Factor C the risk of missing out on the best that the Net could bring us is high. Reading this text obviously won't provide the recipe for building the future, but – thanks to the curators who have brought together some of the liveliest critical minds in our country – it certainly provides an excellent indication of the ingredients to be taken into consideration to do so."
This is the volume index:
The Network and the C Factor (Volume II)
Culture, Complexity, Collaboration
edited by Emma Pietrafesa, Flavia Marzano, Tiziana Medici
Foreword by Stefano Epifani
Chapter I: Culture
Chapter presentation by Flavia Marzano
Dunia Pepe, The Internet as a factor of social inclusion: words, meanings and reality
Adriano Parracciani, The Feminine of the Net
Mario Pireddu, Networks and teachers: spaces for social learning
Matteo Piselli, Analog natives digital natives
Eloisa De Felice, Crossmediality: enjoying, thinking, producing in the time of digital natives
Eleonora Panto', Video games as educational resources
Nello Iacono, The Innovative Manager: the driving role of the public sector and the necessary skills
Chapter II: Complexity
Chapter presentation by Emma Pietrafesa
Piero Dominici, The Weak Link and Networks 'Outside' the Web: Rethinking Citizenship in the Interconnected Society
Francesco Micozzi, New technologies: from traditional crimes to cybercrime
Barbiehacker, Reads information security but pronounces "fifth dimension war"
Marco Scialdone, The law of robots: the legal regulation of non-human behaviour
Morena Ragone, How to defend our privacy and that of our loved ones
Roberto Alma, User Generated Content: who is responsible for online content
Antonio Pizzuti, Emma Pietrafesa, ICT and misuse: a pilot survey on cyberbullying
Chapter III: Collaboration
Chapter presentation by Tiziana Medici
Tiziana Medici Eparticipation: the rules of participation
Antonio Faccioli, Sonia Montegiove, Free Software Community
Assistant Barretta, Inform@bili – Skilled with the Internet
Marco Baiotto, The challenges of e-democracy: the Airesis project
Fabio Gaglini, Nicoletta Staccioli, Work is a serious game! An app to bring young people closer to the job market: the story of the SkillyApp experimentation
Rossana Scaricabarozzi, Gender data: the Women who matter project for the transparency of anti-violence funds
Angela Creta, Traveling: the internet makes it better