Agenda Tevere supports the proposal of European funds for the river

Resources of the Recovery Fund to make the Tiber river accessible, safe and navigable? Agenda Tevere Onlus, a project in which Stati Generali dell'Innovazione participates as a member, comments (and relaunches) the proposal of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport.

Making the Tiber River finally accessible, safe and navigable. Return it to its ancient function as a strategic axis on which to hinge the redevelopment of the entire river basin and its territories.
Agenda Tevere Onlus in 2017 promotes the Tiber River Contract, from Castel Giubileo to the mouth with this objective and has been carrying out this project for years.
The heart of our action is the redevelopment of the river as a whole, involving local actors and associations to restore the Tiber river to its age-old function, that of being an ecosystem truly experienced by everyone, a blue infrastructure for the city of Rome.
An objective in line with one of the fundamental assets of the Recovery Fund, that of the Green New Deal, on which the country system will be engaged in the next few years.
Our strategy is divided into various actions: making the banks and waters safe, accessible and without barriers and above all building a governance system that can guarantee their ordinary and extraordinary maintenance over time.
The navigability project of the Tiber has been relaunched several times over the years, but never fully implemented so far.
Because of this We learned with interest the proposal to include the "Tiber, from the sea to Rome along the river" project in the Recovery Fund plans put forward by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport in collaboration with the Metropolitan City of Rome.
It's a concrete possibility of carrying out an integrated and participatory structural project for the river under the Tiber River Contract, from Castel Giubileo to the mouth.
We therefore invite the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport to dialogue with the territory.
With this purpose Agenda Tevere Onlus requests a meeting with Minister Paola De Micheli and Undersecretary Roberto Traversi as soon as possible.

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