Convened the Extraordinary Assembly for the new Statute

Dear Member, Dear Member,

I am hereby pleased to inform you that the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting will be held on first call at 1:00 in the morning of Friday 8 October 2021 in video conference via Zoom and in second call online on the forum starting from 10:00 on Saturday 9 October 2021 until 23:59 on Friday 15 October 2021 to discuss and vote on the following motions on the agenda:

  • Motion 1: Approval of new Statute;
  • Motion 2: Approval of the assembly regulation.

The texts to be approved can be viewed and commented on as of now Assembly forum.

I also invite you to the online meeting of the Board of Directors, which will be available to answer questions about the Articles of Association and the functioning of the Online Assembly. The meeting will be held in videoconference via Zoom starting at 19:00 on Saturday 2 October 2021.

Fulvio Ananasso

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