#SHU2017 – Social Hackathon Umbria 2017

Next October 19-22, 2017, the“City of Foligno” Study Center Association organizes the second edition of the Social Hackathon Umbria at the branch of the University of Perugia in Via Oberdan 123, in the historic center of Foligno (PG).

The first edition of the event, sponsored in 2016 by the Umbria Region and the Municipality of Foligno, represented an absolute novelty for the social context of the Umbria Region. The theme of #SHU2016 was “Digital for non-profit!“. 17 organizations from all over Italy responded to the #SHU2016 call by proposing digital development projects in favor of specific social issues and initiatives.

Over 50 young "hackers" and 6 non-profit organizations from all over Italy collaborated and challenged each other in a digital marathon with the ultimate goal of developing socially useful digital projects.

The challenge was won by the team of Sementera Onlus, an association that deals with the rehabilitation of people with mental disorders, thanks to the captivating fantasy chat for adolescents who manifest Hikikomori, a Japanese term used for those who have chosen to withdraw from social life, often seeking extreme levels of isolation and confinement in own room only in the company of the web.


“A hackathon (also known as hack day or hackfest) is an event in which experts from various IT sectors participate in various capacities: software developers, programmers and web graphics. A hackathon generally lasts between one day and one week.
Among the purposes that hackathons propose, in addition to the traditional work for the creation of software, there is a growing number of examples for which events instead assume educational and social objectives.
from Wikipedia


From September 16, 2017, two training courses on Mobile App and Digital Storytelling in AR&VR will be activated in preparation for the 4-day Hackathon. The courses will be aimed at 40 junior developers, digital artists, communicators and designers, who will participate in the Hackathon by forming teams for the development of digital solutions proposed by expert hackers who will respond to the call.

This year, ahead of the 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage, the focus will be on digital cultural heritage with three thematic challenges on: Quintana 4DAugmented Tourism and Digital Public Art.

For each challenge, two proposals will be selected which can be developed by teams of up to 6 members led by an experienced team manager. During the 60 hours of Hackathon, the teams will be able to create a pitch, a prototype or a product to be presented in front of a jury for the assignment of a cash award worth €1,000.00

To register, simply visit the #SHU2017 website at www.socialhackathonumbria.info, read the Regulation and send your own creative digital proposal.

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