SGI for Bari: agreement signed between the Municipality and the University for the Digital Agenda

Bari Smart CityOn 25 February 2016 it was signed by the Mayor of Bari Antonio Decaro and by the Rector of the University of Bari Antonio FeliceUricchio the framework agreement between the Municipality of Bari and the University in favor of the development of the Digital Agenda and Digital Citizenship.

The agreement provides for closer collaboration between the two institutions for the development of Bari Digitale, in particular through the study and adoption of strategic policies and actions which will have the task of promoting the participatory development of the Digital Agenda of the Municipality of Bari, involving citizens from the very first stages of planning the activities to be implemented.

In particular, the agreement guarantees the Municipality of Bari the possibility of making use of the support of the University of Bari which will guarantee collaboration on numerous types of activities such as those of joint participation in research programmes; data analysis, evaluation and validation of e-participation tools; design and implementation of training courses to promote the development of Digital Citizenship; exchange of information on topics and research object of studies and projects through joint presentations; planning and development of models and applications related to the implementation of the Digital Agenda and/or the development of Digital Citizenship in favor of Bari as an "intelligent city".

Some preparatory actions for the implementation of the Digital Agenda of Bari and the development of Digital Citizenship have already been successfully launched under the guidance of Dr. Angelo Tomasicchio – councilor for innovation of the Municipality of Bari, and of the Prof. Giuseppe Pirlo –referee of the University of Bari for Digital Agenda and Smart City, with the support of States General of Innovation.

The framework agreement therefore intends to support the development of the Digital Agenda of Bari "smart city" which is based on the idea of placing citizens at the center of planning and decision-making activities, first of all favoring the growth of "human capital" for an intelligent, sustainable and inclusive development of Bari Smart City.

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