In the context of Festambiente-Possible Worlds the meeting takes place Rome Smart City. Urban regeneration and places of citizenship. A road map hypothesis
edited by States General of Innovation
in collaboration with Urban Experience
21 September at 3pm
introduce: Marco Fratoddi and Nello Iacono
leads Carlo Infante-Urban Experience
Roberto Cibetti
Stephen Simoncini
Enrico Parisio
Anna Maria Bianchi of Carteinregola http://carteinregola.
Edoardo Zanchini – National Vice President of Legambiente –
The Stati Generali dell'Innovazione association with the Rome Smart City project, already launched in September 2012 at the Appia Antica Park
is comparing ongoing initiatives on this front
of innovation to connect key stakeholders in the city
metropolitan area (associations - social, cultural, professional,
businesses, professionals, schools, universities, centres
research, businesses), leading them to share a method of
participatory planning. Downstream of a following meeting in May
2013 at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Rome was
presented theAgenda for Rome SMART
and now a road map is outlined that addresses the various points traced,
from mobility to the child-friendly city, starting from the theme
cornerstone of urban regeneration.