Several points of interest in theOpen Assembly 2013 of the Stati Generali dell'Innovazione Association which took place in Pisa on 19 October as part of the Internet Festival and which also included an in-depth session on the theme of participation.
Once the budget was approved (which, as always, is online on this site), the main activities carried out in the last year and the initiatives in progress and planned for the coming months were shared, and in particular the most recent, with the establishment of the SGI coordination of Tuscany.
In the session on participation, some experiences and proposals in the field were discussed and the idea of establishing a Observatory on Participation.
A place was reserved for the campaign”place occupied” that we are supporting against violence against women.
Let's go into more detail (see lo storify with the tweets launched during the Open Assembly)
Main activities carried out in 2013
- Coordination of the Italian Open Data Day
- Promotion of Charter of Intent for Innovation
- Launch of the df Permanent Consultation of Innovation
- NGO transparency manifesto and OGP Italia table participation
- Agenda for a SMART city – Rome Smart City Project
- Support for the Digital Agenda of the Umbria Region – Umbriadigitale
- Support Manifesto Digital Agenda Provincia Bolzano – Innovation Festival
- Innovation Festival Naples
Main initiatives in progress and in the pipeline
- Permanent Consultation of Innovation – launch of proposals on Airesis
- Participation in the Agid gdl - National plan for digital culture, training and skills
- Participation in the OGP Italia table
- Launch of the roadmap for the Open Data Institute and organization of Open Data Day
- Roadmap for Rome Smart City Project
- First SGI Tuscany Coordination event
- SGI Annual Event 2014 – one year after the Innovation Charter
Summary of the initiatives presented and of the topics discussed by the speakersthe
- the launch of RAI Expo 2015 (Edoardo Fleischner)
- the OpenBilancio project of the province of Prato (Alessio Beltrame, Councilor for Innovation);
- model policy making 3.0 adopted by Digital Futures, reflected in the online engagement platform Futurium (Franco Accordino, European Commission);
- social innovation initiative for growth (Bruno Conte, SGI board, non-profit manager)
- telework video surveillance for digital work and the Networks union (Giuseppe Mele, UIL)
- reflections from the Stakeholder Conference on Innovating Innovation (Michele Missikoff, SGI board, ISDR);
- the Cittanet initiative (Antonio Cilli)
- the development of the Digital Agenda passes through the direct participation of the consumer/citizen (Mauro Vergari, Adiconsum);
- wifi as a tool for participation and social development (Mariella Berra, University of Turin)
- the master's degree on participatory democracy and the Observatory on participatory policies in Umbria (Alessandra Velastro, University of Perugia).
The discussion on participatory policies was introduced by Carlo Crespellani, who presented a regional law proposal on participation and by Fabiola de Toffol, who studied, together with Alessandra Velastro, the specific points of the legislation on participation. The discussion was attended, among others, by Sergio Farruggia, Marco Fratoddi, Nello Iacono, Carlo Infante, Eugenio Leone, Pierpaolo Magnani, Flavia Marzano, Emma Pietrafesa, Flavio Ponti, Renzo Provedel.
In the comments on this post, you are all invited to include more details and links on the topics covered.