News and appointments November-December 2018

Here is our usual appointment with the events in which SGI members are involved

  • Brussels, November 23rd: European seminar organized by Compass project on 'Digital Skills for Youth Employment'. Stati Generali dell'Innovazione will be present to share experiences on training and digital skills (socia Nicoletta Staccioli)
  • Rome 23 November, from 9 to 13 c/o Sala Protomoteca del Campidoglio conference "Transforming relationships through non-violent communication". Organized by Flavia Marzano, in her institutional capacity as Councilor for Simple Rome
  • Bari, 28-30 November Copernicus school 2018 “Remote sensing for Agriculture 4.0” organized by the Agriculture Table of the National Forum of Copernicus Users coordinated by the Department of European and International Policies and Rural Development (DIPEISR) of the Ministry of Agricultural, Food, Forestry and Tourism Policies, (MIPAAFT), in collaboration with the States General of Innovation , AM/FM GIS Italia, Planetek Italia and ISPRA. Among the teachers, the partner Sergio Farruggia
  • Foligno 28 November c/o Centro Studi Città d Foligno (Via Oberdan 123, Foligno) from 17.00 to 19.30 or in streaming. Peer-review event of the DCDS - Digital Competence Development System project, aimed at defining a methodology for the development of basic digital skills in formal and non-formal adult education. By the partner Altheo Valentini.
  • Rome November 28th c/o Room 1, International Center of Contemporary Art
    Piazza di Porta S. Giovanni, 10, from 5 to 7 pm – Presentation of Compass: the free and interactive platform designed to improve the digital skills of young European job seekers. The partner intervenes Emma Pietrafesa
  • Bolzano 28 November, in the context of
    Sergio Farruggia And Calogera Ravenna will hold the following report: "SINFI: the federated national information system of infrastructures"
  • Rome December 17th 11 am c/o Guglielmo Marconi University Via Plinio 44 : focus group on Global Citizen Education. By the partner Altheo Valentini.

We also remember the #savethedate for our social dinner on December 20th in Rome.

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