The Association of Social Promotion "States General of Innovation” on the occasion of its ten years of activity dedicated to innovation has decided to establish a Annual award aimed at SCHOOLS and YOUNG INNOVATORS “for the recognition of initiatives and projects that have demonstrated to generate a positive change in society through digital and/or technological innovation processes”.
The “Antonella Giulia Pizzaleo Award 2021” for Digital Innovation with Social Impact, is dedicated to the memory of Antonella Giulia Pizzaleo, co-founder of SGI who died prematurely in 2019 at the age of 44.
Applications must be communicated by Friday 3 December, the awards ceremony-event will be held next December 11, 2021 in Rome.
Great expert in innovation and head of the Digital Agenda and Internet Governance for the Lazio Region, professor at universities and research centres, Antonella Giulia Pizzaleo has worked extensively on the themes ofe-government and innovation for central Public Administrations (Presidency of the Council of Ministers and Ministry for Public Administration) and local (Province of Rome and some municipalities); she was scientific adviser to the Minister of Public Administration and Innovation and has long dealt with Internet Governance at the Institute of Informatics and Telematics of the CNR in Pisa, participating in numerous international meetings on this topic and in the organization of the Internet Governance Forum Italy.
As he explains Fulvio Ananasso, president of SGI: «Social Innovation has always represented Antonella Giulia Pizzaleo's beacon, together with a sense of institutions and modesty in expressing his ideas, almost as if he wanted to apologize for the nice things he said. For this reason we have decided to dedicate this Award to her and her work».
What is meant by Digital Innovation with Social Impact? The so-called Digital Social Innovation it is a type of social and collaborative innovation in which users and communities collaborate using digital technologies to co-create knowledge and appropriate solutions for a wide range of social needs and on a scale that was unimaginable before the birth of the Internet.
Who is the Antonella Giulia Pizzaleo Award aimed at? In 2021 the Award is assigned to two different categories:
- SCHOOLS: Higher secondary education institutions that have carried out a project or initiative in the STEAM field can apply (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics), demonstrating how interdisciplinary science-digital education can contribute to the resolution of social challenges and/or to the support of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN Agenda 2030.
- YOUNG: Individual innovators or groups of young people aged between 18 and 35 who have carried out projects or initiatives in the entrepreneurial or voluntary sector aimed at generating a transformative change in society through the innovative application of digital technologies can apply. In the case of groups, reference will be made to the average age of all members.
How to apply for the Award? Nominations must be submitted no later than midnight on Friday 3 December 2021 through the online form available at following address.
In order to be eligible for evaluation by the expert committee, applications must meet the following conditions:
- Be presented by individuals who have actually been involved in the implementation of the projects and initiatives described in the application form (e.g. a reference teacher for the school category, an innovator aged between 18 and 35 for the youth category).
- Refer to projects and initiatives concluded before the expiry date of the tender and implemented during the two-year period 2020-2021 throughout the national territory
- Accept the processing of personal data and declare the availability of at least one representative to participate in the presence of the award ceremony scheduled for Saturday 11 December 2021 in Rome.
Selection and awarding of winners. Once the eligibility conditions have been checked, an internal SGI commission will select the best 5 candidates presented for the SCHOOLS category and the best 10 candidates for the YOUTH category, assigning a score according to the following list of criteria:
- 3 points for the interdisciplinary dimension of the project/initiative
- 3 points for the ability to respond to societal challenges and/or support the Sustainable Development Goals
- 4 points for the innovative use of digital technologies
- 3 points for the social impact achieved with the project/initiative
- 3 points for its transferability in different contexts
- 4 points for the innovative use of digital technologies
All finalists selected by the internal commission will be nominated “Ambassadors of Innovation” and will benefit from a year of free membership in the association, thus coming into contact with a large network of innovators, with whom they can form partnerships for the enhancement and dissemination of their projects.
Additionally, finalists will be invited to participate in the annual SGI event, which will take place next year December 11, 2021 in Rome at a prestigious institutional headquarters (which will be communicated shortly), where they will have the opportunity to present their project in front of an expert jury composed of representatives of entities active in the field of social and digital innovation. In order to facilitate attendance in attendance, SGI will ensure the coverage of travel costs, board and lodging for one night at:
- 1 teacher and 4 students of each finalist in the SCHOOL category
- 2 representatives of each finalist in the YOUTH category
Following the presentation of the projects, the jury will elect the winner of the "Antonella Giulia Pizzaleo Award 2021" for each category:
- SCHOOL CATEGORY: SGI Gadgets for the whole class and the opportunity to participate in a Path for Soft Skills and Orientation (PCTO) for the simulation of a social enterprise based on the valorisation of the project presented by the Institute.
- YOUTH CATEGORY: € 5.000,00 in cash for the recognition of merit of the individual innovator or of the group that presented the winning project.
Who we are?
The States General of Innovation (SGI) were born on the initiative of associations, movements, companies and citizens who are convinced that the best growth opportunities for our country are offered by the creativity of young people, by the recognition of merit, by digital divide, from the renewal of the state through theOpenGovernment. Ten years after the establishment of the association, SGI still remains the only national network effectively representative of the digital innovation generated by civil society, as well as recognized through the invitation to join the Technical Guide Committee of the Digital Republic, a national coalition for digital skills.