Digital Agenda Law: the points on which we can be satisfied

The Growth 2.0 decree was then converted into law with the amendments approved by the Senate. We have already highlighted our criticisms on the parts that we believe make this law incomplete, in some cases unworkable or harmful, and on which we believe it is necessary to intervene as soon as possible. There is also the risk that the more than twenty necessary implementing decrees will slow down the future path even more.

In the path that led to this law there are however some positive points, of method and merit, on which it is useful to dwell.

Of method:

  • some government working groups they developed the theme in an open and collaborative way, both in presence (non-formal but working auditions) and online with different actors (associations, organizations, experts, ..);
  • The collaborative work developed by the SGI Association through the Permanent Consultation of Innovation and then on the wiki for the preparation of the amendments it had a high reception and attention from the parliamentarians of various political forces (above all Pd, Pdl, IdV), which led to the presentation of various amendments and allowed some of these (ten) were finally approved. In a parliamentary discussion process characterized by the absence of real and in-depth discussion, it can be seen as a positive experience on which to build.

Of merit (not in order of importance, but of articles of law):

  • the chapters on are to be considered positively Open Data, on the Reuse, on Accessibility, on Smart communities (even if with the rejection of our amendments on the definition itself - which is missing -, on digital literacy, on the composition of the Committee and on the consultative bodies, this article becomes difficult to develop), as well as all the provisions on integration and interoperability;
  • thanks to our amendmentsFurthermore, they have been included
  1. the government's commitment, with the Agency, to draw up the Strategic Plan, which is missing today, within 60 days;
  2. the prediction of security audits on the Registry of the Resident Population;
  3. the emphasis on tools to use for the unified digital document;
  4. the commitment to define the "Critical" databases, to be treated in particular on data quality;
  5. the possibility given to whoever (and not only to interested parties) to request the opening of public data;
  6. the commitment to specify specifically i exceptional cases in which the obligation to open the data may not apply;
  7. the commitment of the administrations to draw up and implement a “plan for the realization of the telework“.

And particular care and attention should be paid to this "something that exists", and which however is still and in part to be built. In the Open Data area, the initiative of the Italian Open Data day goes in this direction.



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