“A recent study referring to 2008 estimates that, at EU level, the public sector information market is worth €28 billion. The same study indicates that the total economic gains of further opening up public sector information, through easier access to it, would amount to around €40 billion per year for the EU-27. Overall, direct and indirect revenues in the EU-27 from applications using public sector information would be in the order of €140 billion annually.” [COM (2011) 882 final – Open data: an engine for innovation, growth and transparent governance].
The data held by the central and local Public Administration, if made available and duly processed also through dedicated applications, can favor the intelligent development of urban fabrics, according to the Smart Cities model, as well as constitute an important lever for the economic strengthening of the territories. The Government has set up the Digital Agenda which already describes a regulatory reference framework and provides support tools within which public bodies, organizations and businesses can - respectively - make the data in their possession available, use them and reprocess them by developing new applications .
The seminar offers businesses and local players an overview of current opportunities, as well as models and concrete examples of successful strategies and applications.
The Laboratory is intended for administrators, executives, officials and sector managers of: local authorities, economic and social partners, universities and research centres, companies, webmasters, CED managers.
- Flavia Marzano: President of the General States of Innovation; for over 20 years a consultant for the Public Administration; professor of technologies for eGovernment at the Sapienza University of Rome;
- Giuseppe Iacono: Consultant, author of publications on project management, technological innovation, analysis and organizational improvement;
- Barbara Santicioli: Manager of the Loans and Development Area, Eurosportello Confesercenti.
At your place
May 10-11, 2012
Via della Condotta 12 black – Florence
1st day: 9.00 – 13.00 / 14.30 – 17.00
2nd day: 9.00 – 13.00 / 14.30 – 17.00
To register, it is necessary to fax the registration form which you can find at the following address:
FAX number: 055 310922
Day I – Open Data and Open Services
- Presentation of the seminar and overview of the available opportunities
- Rules and standards for Open Data and Open Services
- Basic concepts
- Experiences and international context
- Open Data, open services and Quality of data and processes
- Usability, technical aspects
- Digital aperture management
- Regulatory setting
- Methodological setting
- The requirements, the users
- The stages, the actors
- From project to management
- Laboratory and practical cases
- Regional regulations in progress
- Evaluation of the first Italian experiences
- Self-assessment exercises of needs and requirements
Day II – Smart City and Smart community
- Develop smart cities, smart communities and smart societies
- Basic concepts
- The organizational approach
- The models
- Experiences and international context
- Laboratory and practical cases
- Methodological setting
- The requirements, the users,
- The stages, the actors
- Suppliers and tender regulations
- From project to management
- The first Italian experiences
- Self-assessment exercises of needs and requirements
Follow up
At the conclusion of the Eurosportello seminar, Confesercenti will provide each participant with an ID and PASSWORD to register and participate free of charge – for one year – in the EUROSTAFF online project community which includes:
- targeted notifications relating to tenders;
- news on events and regulations of sectoral interest;
- support for the evaluation and/or dissemination of a project idea;
- search Partners;
- teaching materials;
- signaling of existing project partnerships;
- support for relations with the EU institutions.
- the participation fee is €480 + VAT if due;
- the participation of several participants from the same institution provides a discount of 10%;
- the fee includes teaching materials, coffee breaks and lunch;
- at the end of the course a certificate of participation will be issued;
- the realization of the seminars is subject to a minimum number of 5 registrations and a maximum number of 20;
- confirmation of the course will be communicated the previous week;
- after confirmation, any cancellations will not be accepted, for which the obligation to pay the registration fee remains.