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On 25 November 2015 from 21.00 to 24.00 it will be held in Rome at the Roma Eventi Congress Center – Trevi Fountain in Piazza della Pilotta, 4
- The recent decision of the European Parliament on the subject of Net Neutrality
- the ruling of the Court of Washington which, accepting Verizon's arguments, rejected the rules established by the FCC on the matter in the USA
- and the discussions raised in Italy in the context of the approval of the "Declaration of rights on the Internet"
put the topic of NETWORK NEUTRALITY at the center of the debate more than ever.
Flavia Marzano, Carlo Mochi Sismondi and Roberto Masiero organize an evening within the NEW DIGITAL GOVERNMENT SUMMIT 2015 in which all the components of the digital world - society, industry, economy, politics, universities - are invited to discuss in depth on this issue, in a direct and informal way, with a format that allows everyone to express themselves freely.
An innovative format, which sees the public as the protagonist who will be able to intervene in support of their theses: therefore not a conference but an open space for anyone who wants to intervene on the topics of the meeting.
Anna Ascani, Giuseppe Attardi, Dino Bortolotto, Marco Calvo, Paolo Coppola, Arturo Di Corinto, Alfonso Fuggetta, Alberto Gambino, Joy Marino, Flavia Marzano, Anna Masera, Roberto Masiero, Carlo Mochi Sismondi, Antonio Palmieri, Marco Pierani, Emma Pietrafesa, Stefano Quintarelli, Francesco Sacco, Guido Scorza… and many others.
The general theme of Net Neutrality cuts across many different levels:
Material and digital platforms, competition and rights. From local intermediaries operating in the material dimension to multinational intermediaries operating in the immaterial dimension. Human rights, civil rights, right to privacy and consumer rights (citizens and consumers facing the web).
The theme of innovation and investment for the development of the digital economy - The different positions of the digital industry with respect to network neutrality: enabler or obstacle to innovation? (infrastructures vs OTT vs content providers). TTIP and free data exchange.
USA, Europe and national governments facing the challenges posed by the development of the Internet, digital technology and large global networks. The Italian case: net neutrality, low infrastructural competition, non-discrimination of content by platforms: how to guarantee development while avoiding market distortions?
The themes will be organized and discussed in 3 sessions of one hour each.
The evening will be introduced and "stitched together" by Flavia Marzano, who will introduce the themes and support the moderators of the various sessions.
Each Session will be chaired by one or two Moderators and will be organized with the DOUBLE INTERVIEW formula: the participants will be invited to arrange themselves on both sides of the hemicycle, based on their general positions on the topic proposed by the moderator
Two or more "Champions": experts or operators - of different opinions (5/6 minutes each) will be invited to speak in advance on each topic. The following time will be devoted to speeches of no more than two minutes by supporters of the various positions.
Participation in the meeting is free, subject to prior admission registration.