The role of Geographic Information in the Copernicus Programme

The role of Geographic Information in the Copernicus Program" is the title of the meeting to be held in Florence Wednesday 5th October (14.30-18) at the Fortezza da Basso, as part of the Sustainable Development Festival 2022, scheduled in the Tuscan capital from 4 to 20 October.

L'event (read the PLAN) And promotedor from States General of Innovation, AM/FM GIS Italy And AIT extension (Italian Remote Sensing Association) as an expression of the National User Forum of Copernicus for the Third Sector community, with the collaboration of Copernicus Academy national. The aim of the promoters is consolidate the dialogue between the representatives of the national Copernicus User Forum and the wider community of operators and stakeholders of the Italian Geo-ICT, and of favor the intensification of collaborations with benefits for the progress of the country.

From 2014 to 2020 copernicus, the Earth Observation Program of the European Union, was the recipient of over five billion euros by European public finance. The new Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Union Space Programme established for Copernicus un investment of equal importance in the period 2021 – 2027.

«This important financial commitment dedicated to monitoring the planet and its environment and aimed at improving the quality of life of all European citizens, commits the Commission and all EU stakeholders to play an active role in exploiting the Copernicus resultsexplains Sergio Farruggia Vice President of the States General of Innovation , creating a market of digital products and services that make these investments pay off. It is of great importance the identification and understanding of local and regional needs in terms of sustainability, in all its forms, to provide answers to such instances, for which monitoring from space plays the role of contributor and facilitator for the identification of adequate operational solutions».  

Numerous experts will intervene during the conference, the works will be introduced by representatives of the three promoters: Sergio Farruggia for the General States of Innovation; Monica Sebillo, University of Salerno, ASITA President, AM/FM President GIS Italy; Livio Rossi, President AIT.

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