“The health emergency of recent months has made it emerge even more clearly: promoting knowledge of STEM and financial subjects from early childhood, especially for girls and boys, is essential. Inequalities start small, let's start from education”.
With these words, the Minister for Equal Opportunities and the Family Elena Bonetti announced on her Facebook page the "STEM2020" call, with which Italy is investing 2 million euros to create from 1 July to 31 December 2020 in-depth courses aimed at girls, boys, girls and boys from 4 to 19 years old.
The main objectives are to encourage the empowerment of girls, stimulating them from an early age to become passionate about technical-scientific subjects, to study them, so that they can compete on the job market of the future, meeting all the challenges; overcome the stereotypes and prejudices according to which the world of STEM subjects is exclusively for men; stimulate the learning of these subjects also through innovative ways of learning the scientific method.
The project proposals are intended for schools of all levels, from childhood to upper secondary school.
The educational fields are mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, coding, economics, robotics, animation, earth and environmental sciences, just to name a few, obviously chosen on the basis of the age of the students and the type of school.
Link to the “STEM2020” call: http://www.pariopportunita.gov.it/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/BANDO-STEM2020_16062020.pdf